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How far advanced SEEDING are you?

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    How far advanced SEEDING are you?

    We hit the 75% mark out of 50 quarters on Sunday have barley oats and a few quarters wheat left to seed.
    Just nice till the damn Snow and rain Wednesday.
    hows every one else doing.

    0%. Got 2 inches of rain, and enough snow to make the lawn completely disappear. There is no hope anymore. It sucks. Two years in a row really, really sucks. At least I didn't price anything.


      Just out of curiousity, where are you guys located in western Canada?


        70 percent done here. Only got 3/4 inch of rain but looks more like several inches. Sure was lucky that we didn't recieve any other rain this spring. Some places not far from here are completely done and some area not started, just too wet, I am sure planting will be off for them this spring. Was not easy to get started in the fields this spring as they were very spungy.


          cwbcostme you have to be north east saskatchewan with 0 seeded. We are east centre Crop distict 5A.
          Average is 59% done according to Sask Ag and Food.
          We didnt need this rain either.


            One quarter of barley to go, Edmonton area. Most guys around here will finish this weekend. You don't have to go very far north and it gets pretty wet. We probably missed 10% of our acres on 1/3 of our land because of excess moisture. Borrowed lots of equipment from the neighbours to get this crop in. The seeder operator, at age 74, is getting pretty tired.


              Saskfarmer, I am in a little known pocket near Kelvington, where I found out the hard way that chem-fallow is ill-fated for this area. Many neighbors who recreationally till, got some in. Anyone with chem-fallow, Nope. I mean it was/is just grease on top, and I was going to go hard on Monday, but rain. I'm scared to look at the guage this morning, it rained all night, again.
              Our creek is running. Previous to last year, I had seen it run once other than spring runoff time after a nine inch weekend. Last year it ran eight times, and now this. The only difference is it didn't run till June last year. It is actually worse than last year. I don't mean to be crying the blues, but not having any hope of capitalizing on a good price year, is frustrating beyond belief. My wife and I are seriously considering our options. We are 30 years old, and we want to farm...


                Hey in the summer I camp at green-water and know the area well its been a total disaster area for last couple of years Frost etc to floods.
                Chem fallow works in Rosetown and SwiftCurrent I found out the hard way back the Year Deere Build the 8960 four wheel drive. We bought a new one it arrived in August so My father decided to try it out and worked our chem fallow field by our house he sank it to say the least up to the headlights on the front We needed our cat and other four wheel drive and the backhoe to get it out had to take belt off the fan because it was in the mud.
                Any way it works in Dry land farming Southern Saskatchewan.
                Keep on trying it will turn around.


                  Some things to try that worked last year.
                  Try to harrow any warm day and go like hell. Four wheel drive would help.
                  Float on Canola and fert has a cost but will work.
                  Float on barley if have to.
                  Forget about wheat durum etc.
                  Stick with Canola barley oats flax (price is poor)
                  Seed till 20th or may dont make SMF use Crop insurance.
                  Good luck.


                    I finished seeding on Saturday. I'm in SW MB. Just ahead of the rain.

                    cwbcostme$$, I'll second saskfarmer3's comment about floating on Canola. It works well. You'll have ruts but you'll also have a crop and It should do well. But I wouldn't do much past the 10th of june. My experience has been that you're just asking for more headaches come fall.

                    In 1999 and again in 2004, those acres I conventionally summerfallowed because it was too wet to seed produced great crops the next year. Some barley I planted in 1999 on the 18th of june turned out to be 35-40 bpa of 41 lb. barley.

                    Yeah you'll lose money not planting but you'll lose even more by planting too late. IMO


                      Last year we ended up late because of the wet spring. Planted until 16th of June which was the last day for everyone around here and ended up with all number one grain.
                      Crop was better the higher up on the hills . Never thought could make a profit by mudding the crop in like we did, ended up we sc****d by. Actually have more acres in this year than the mud and water we went around last year. Now we have 1.3 inches of rain total and the summerfallow looks like a disaster. Neighbours water running across my field and through flat sloughs. I will pull out of there and be planting other fields first then try the summerfallow last. Anhydrous delivery also is extremely poor this spring, we are all waiting, Our dealer does not have enough help, 2 new guys, and bad roads, they have been burrying their trucks also and not on the fields but on the roads.


                        between Calgary and Red Deer here, 8-10 inches of heavy wet snow over night, add that to the wind hail rain storm saturday, (1,5 inches and distroyed hopper bin and the grain auger it landed on) and the 1" on Monday, some have a good % done while others have barely started. I'm 15-20 % done, crop rotations screwed lots of barley to market in a free environment though!!


                          Too bad we didn't have single desk control over our seeding.
                          We would all be at 59% done and waiting for quota.


                            O.K. guys, thanks for the floater info. Any comments on post seeding harrowing (Lots of straw and saturated), fertility (phosphate), or any other info would be great. What about flax? Oats? Also I checked one field today that was canola chem-fallow. It was 5030 in 2005; interestingly enough, however, a reasonable number of plants slipped through the three glyph. apps, shelled out during a fall harrowing, and now I'm seeing a reasonable though variable population of volunteer plants. Should I leave this "crop"? If so, do I spray liberty, or roundup? The interesting thing is there has never been RR canola grown there before, yet now I may have the benefit of a dual resistant, super duper variety!


                              Got done seeding May 16 south west of Rosetown. Seeded about 4000 acres and it is all above ground. We got about a inch and half of rain. Things are looking pretty good for right now.


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