Now that the contingency fund is operational, the CWB is in business to make a profit!
My experience in the grain industry has been that good risk management has been the biggest positive, or if done badly, has the most disastrous effect, on and for a marketing entity.
The biggest problem the CWB has now is risk management.
How does the CWB appropriately manage this marketing risk now?
I asked for the CWB nicely for Contingency Fund Balances for the Camrose meeting, and big surprise the CWB said they would not tell us what the contingency fund balance was. They said that we must wait till the whole marketing year is over, and then we can read about it in the Annual Report next year.
This is like me telling my bank manager to shove off, you have no right to know my assets and liabilities currently, when I apply for a bank loan!
If I refuse to divulge this information, then would the bank manager be doing due diligence if he loaned me money? I don't think so.
Tom Halpenny told us in Camrose yesterday that after I deliver a PPO contract, the CWB does not have to flatten their futures positions, but the CWB does many times hold on to these futures positions as part of their overall marketing strategy.
My questions now are:
1. If the CWB did back to back cash purchases and sales, wouldn't these transactions involve the least risk, therefore be better for the pooling system as they would avoid risk?
2. If the CWB does not take off previous futures positions that were put on to cover PPO sales, how exactly does the CWB determine when the contingency fund should take a loss, or when the pool should take a loss? How can we be sure the proper account gets the benefit or loss?
3. If the CWB would have held these futures positions that are held by PPO's anyway, then how do we really spit the two pooling and contingency fund operations?
What protocol is used to assure me that either too much or too little risk and reward is in fact appropriately designated to the contingency or the pooling account?
How can we trust the CWB when they are publicly so blatantly biased towards the pooling accounts?
Won’t the CWB simply cross transfer any surplus back over to the pooling accounts?
If the CWB really messes up, to avoid blame, won’t they just take a little money from the pooling accounts and add it back to the contingency fund?
Why should their be any problem disclosing the contingency fund balances at any time for wheat and barley, if the CWB is straight, is doing a good job, and has nothing to hide?
My experience in the grain industry has been that good risk management has been the biggest positive, or if done badly, has the most disastrous effect, on and for a marketing entity.
The biggest problem the CWB has now is risk management.
How does the CWB appropriately manage this marketing risk now?
I asked for the CWB nicely for Contingency Fund Balances for the Camrose meeting, and big surprise the CWB said they would not tell us what the contingency fund balance was. They said that we must wait till the whole marketing year is over, and then we can read about it in the Annual Report next year.
This is like me telling my bank manager to shove off, you have no right to know my assets and liabilities currently, when I apply for a bank loan!
If I refuse to divulge this information, then would the bank manager be doing due diligence if he loaned me money? I don't think so.
Tom Halpenny told us in Camrose yesterday that after I deliver a PPO contract, the CWB does not have to flatten their futures positions, but the CWB does many times hold on to these futures positions as part of their overall marketing strategy.
My questions now are:
1. If the CWB did back to back cash purchases and sales, wouldn't these transactions involve the least risk, therefore be better for the pooling system as they would avoid risk?
2. If the CWB does not take off previous futures positions that were put on to cover PPO sales, how exactly does the CWB determine when the contingency fund should take a loss, or when the pool should take a loss? How can we be sure the proper account gets the benefit or loss?
3. If the CWB would have held these futures positions that are held by PPO's anyway, then how do we really spit the two pooling and contingency fund operations?
What protocol is used to assure me that either too much or too little risk and reward is in fact appropriately designated to the contingency or the pooling account?
How can we trust the CWB when they are publicly so blatantly biased towards the pooling accounts?
Won’t the CWB simply cross transfer any surplus back over to the pooling accounts?
If the CWB really messes up, to avoid blame, won’t they just take a little money from the pooling accounts and add it back to the contingency fund?
Why should their be any problem disclosing the contingency fund balances at any time for wheat and barley, if the CWB is straight, is doing a good job, and has nothing to hide?