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Husky Ethanol Plant Importing Corn

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    feed wheat is $4.25/bu in lloyd, has been for a long time, there and at other points in sk. we just sold some for $4.75/bu picked up in the yard in southern mb, sold $5/bu non-board in feb.

    i don't think wheat and corn work at even money to make ethanol, nor feed, but the point is any farmer willingly delivering wheat to the cwb, that they are paying less than the equivalent of $4.25/bu delivered lloyd for, has been making a marketing error.

    suppose they might also enjoy the cwb so much they're happy to accept a discount. or else they had way too much faith in upside potential of the 06/07 pro. oh yeah, and they would have to like taking an extra hit on the dockage, and paying to finance the crop until the pool closes next winter.


      I was told they don't want hard red spring wheat. We tried to get out of our CWB durum contract so we could have our #2 durum picked up at the farm for $ 4.40 per bushel. The CWB said they would let us out of about 40% of the contract but would charge us $ 6.00 per tonne if we did'nt deliver the other 60 % The PRO would net us $ 4.58 per bushel but we have to haul it 100 miles to get that. I don't think the extra $ 0.18 that the CWB is projecting for us in their PRO will cover the trucking. And they probably won't hit the Pro anyways. If they do I will have to wait till December to get the money. Our durum won't be contracted to the CWB next year.


        Lee and I will be touring the Husky plant mid June and will ask some of your questions.

        My interests are the following.

        1) Types of direct contracts and supply agreements with grain companies Husky will be using to ensure consistent supplies to their plants. Will check into how US corn fits into their plans (including the current situation).

        2) Characturistics and traits of the grain the plant need. Fit of CWRS verus CPS/SWS. Triticale. Ability to switch from one grain to another.

        3) Information on distillers grains including nutrient value, fit into livestock feed and price.


          Brenda and Padron you will upset the monopolists with your facts and truths. Wait for it, the personal attacks will come they will probably accuse you of being brokers and only in it for yourselves.
          common tactics also include
          -misdirection or trying to start new thread within this one.
          -accuse you of being liers you don't really know what you are talking about.
          -more likely when you make good points as many do the just stop responding


            I've been called worse and no one would dare insult Brenda!

            Just trying to enlighten participants with facts as I know them.



              Perhaps you don't understand JUST HOW INTOLERANT "Single Minded" Deskers are!

              Intimidation, Fearmongering, and Distortion are favourite past times...

              A person might be persuaded to give up their soul for the whole world... but for the CWB "Single Desk"?


                Charlie, another question you may consider would be if they've ironed out their production/technical issues and are full steam ahead.


                  my source says 140 cars, $185/t track Edmonton or $200/t dlvd Lloyd. that's a big price, but still less than the equivalent of what local brokers are paying for mb-origin corn ($4-4.25/bu spot).


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