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Winter wheat cost of production

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    Winter wheat cost of production

    This is a message to the crop input manufactures and retailers:

    "As a winter wheat grower I have never needed to apply grassy weed herbicides (such as puma, horizon, everest, achieve, etc), on my fields as these weeds are never a problem in winter wheat production.

    This is a direct savings of $15/per acre for me compared to the cost of growing spring wheat and/or durum.

    As a Western Canadian wheat grower I believe it is my duty to inform you that you should be charging us more money on other winter wheat input costs to recover this $15/acre loss to you.

    After all, as a Western Canadian wheat grower, I realize that your industry needs to be profitable.

    Well actually it a was a slag towards the voluntary members of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association.

    A poor slag!

    I'll give it a go.

    Sometime in the year 2002.

    This is a message to the crop input manufactures and retailers:

    I am a proud member of the NFU and I am writing to tell you that I don't like you and I don't like your products. I think you are all a bunch of thiefs who are over charging for your products, which is the reason many farmers a going broke.

    I believe that you should be providing your products to farmers for free, because it is immoral for anyone to make any money in Agriculture. Farming is a way of life which I am entitled to, society owe's it to me to keep me farming because I am special, I am a farmer and without farmers society would collapse and my grandaddy started this farm so I could farm and now you chemical guys and you grian companies and you machinery manufactures are all robbing me.

    I should be able to grow my wheat with no cost to me at all and I will get top dollar for it from the cwb because they have the power to put the screws to any buyer because they have a monopoly and they will get me $8/ bushel, even thought the initial is only $2.75, I'll get the rest in my final payment.

    For this reason I am going to stop using your products and as a result my farm will become profitable once again.

    Sometime in 2008

    Dear Ritchie Bros. Auction Service ....


      HA,HA - So you think it's only NFU members calling Ritchie Bros. Auction Service?? If so they must be a far bigger membership organisation than you jokers claim them to be. I can't wait to see how you prosper once you get rid of the CWB - maybe you will smarten up - or maybe not. Naive, Naive, Naive.


        grassfarmer, are you an idiot?

        The above message IS meant to be taken literally!

        As opposed to my previous posting which was NOT meant to be taken literally but illustratively!


          Actually AS, the CWB has never said they have a monopoly, only a single desk - Ok maybe 500 desks, but they are all really close together - OK maybe on 7 floors of endless offices and computers with archaic old database software where most things are done manually and very expensive real estate space in the core of Winnipeg, but still a single tall wide and long desk then with lotsa people running around looking busy lowering the price of wheat because of the dollar while all the other commodities go up. Maybe they sit around and play Monopoly! I like that game, it has cool player pieces in it. Speaking of cool, it sure was hot today.


            Dear AdamSmith and WD9;

            I don't think it is fair!

            I spent most of Thursday... just to find out that my #1CWRS... and my Winter Wheat are actually both worth more in the local feed market than by selling it to the CWB pool for human consumption!

            This is immoral.

            I must share this value this with the pool accounts... and bring the average up for everyone else... especially since we don't need to spray wild oats in our winter wheat.

            It should therefore be illegal to grow winter wheat... because it makes the CWB look bad.

            The CWB has tried to resolved some of this problem by demanding the lowering of our yeilds (by KVD)... and trying to turn Winter Wheat into Hard Spring wheat quality along with these lower yields... while at the same time making sure we get at least $1/bu less than US winter wheat growers.

            Further this is another example of global warming gone wild. It was impossible to grow winter wheat in northern Alberta and SK... before... yet it is surviving now... because of our mild winters from all the oil e ploration and oils sands plants.... and plans for new refineries. THis is very offensive and we must put a stop to it immediately!

            The Pool Troll


              since in a childish way we are all trying to tar groups with the same brush , in the name of balance heres my 2 cents.

              The H2S blowing off your oil wells , must be getting pretty strong.
              your suggestion that the single desk of the CWB which has to compete in a competitive world market is in some way compareable to price fixing abilty of the north amercian Ag chem manufacturers is astonishing.

              by the way i am a distant relitive of thomas Edision and since most of you support the theory that patents (at least chemical ones ) go on forever.
              you should have no problem cutting me a royalty cheque for every light bulb you have ever used. say 2$ /bulb.

              those NFU farmers must have done something right along the way, nice equipment and huge operations at those sales.
              Bankers must have found out they were NFU members and pulled the plug on the evil commies

              the only real differances between a WCWG farmer and any other farmer is daddys money and land, or their chem company job.
              and a survival of the fittest stratigy , that reckons they will be the only survivers, if they can run the industry into the ground.



                Simple it is... worth more as feed... is any of our winter and spring wheat.

                Just across the Border in the US... are they getting $30-40/t more... ssssave our NFU masssers with animals...

                Corn for $185/t... why not our high quality milling wheat?

                But... angry are you... that I would dare to even complain about you Massser... Sorry massser


                  Yup Tom4CWB, it is sickening. I will definitely be waiting for contracting this fall to see what the feed price is before signing for a milling contract. Sick, isn't it.


                    GrainBeetle -- I do not know if your post was a shot at the WCWGA, but allow me to respond. The Wheat Growers have been among the strongest proponents of the elimination of KVD, which is one of the main constraints to the development and registration of winter wheat varieties. Up until this year (when one winter wheat variety was recommended for registration) I think we had gone about 5 years without registering a new winter wheat variety.

                    The Wheat Growers believe in maximizing choices for farmers and a policy environment that gives each farmer the flexibility to decide for himself the production system (whether that's organic, low-till or conventional) that best suits him and his farm.

                    We also support a policy environment that encourages innovation (including farming techniques that lower input use), so again, each farmer has as many choices as possible when it comes to producing and marketing his crops. If you or any other farmer does not wish to use any particular innovation, we fully respect that. The choice should be yours.

                    I think it is terrific that you have found a way to lower your herbicide bill by growing winter wheat on your farm. We need to find more ways in which individual farmers can lower their input costs or increase their revenues, whether that's acting on their own or in co-operation with others.

                    Respectfully yours,
                    Blair Rutter
                    Executive Director


                      Blair: this wasn't a shot at the WCWGA.

                      I do want a strong and viable crop retail sector so that I continue to have choice when purchasing crop inputs.

                      As for Adam and T4, how did the CWB once again get dragged into yet another non-cub thread?

                      T4: I'll bet you could find reference to the CWB in scripture.


                        Sorry: looks like my first response to both Grainbeetle and Adam failed to upload before my follow up post to Blair.(damned dial-up service) Here is my first post again:

                        " I agree with grainbeetle, he wants to ensure competition exists in the crop input sector". "Good twist on the monopoly debate grainbeetle".


                          Grain beetle: do you still continue to grow red spring / durum even though the cost to grow winter wheat is less? How about leaf disease, fusarium, etc?


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