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Frost Damage Canola Crop!

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    Frost Damage Canola Crop!

    just checked the overnight lows for Alberta and Saskatchewan and Wow did it get cold last night and today its down right awful.
    Van Time from Canola Council on Radio with same song and dance All is fine Blinders are on hat is locked in sideways position.
    Canola council needs some real agronomic help.
    any way enough rant most fields I have seen are average at best and some are actually deteriorating with cool damp conditions.
    Yes its canola but again its JUNE!

    Remember trust a Canola farmer not a Guy who wishes he was one.

    Condidtions are doing damage.

    Any Comments

    We have been fortunate here but wire worms, cutworms and frost damage has been taking it's toll. Also most canola seeded before the 10-14 of May is showing seeding disease symptoms due to cool conditions following the long weekend. 4 nights of sub-zero temps in late may is showing some ill effects on stand population. Overall we are still o.k. but a long way from the bin.


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