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2007 barley

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    2007 barley

    Grain companies are offering big dollars for new crop barley. Newdale will bring $4/bushel if it makes export grade malt. That's $4 net to you. $3.25 if it doesn't make malt. Here in manitoba the cwb offered us .12 cents/bushel inital last fall. You would have to be a complete ass to like barley under the board. The rest of the world is actually getting paid to farm.

    Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy we all going to get rich, on barley? All cause the CWB is out of the circle. Finally the break we have all been waiting for, and all it took was to destroy our own marketing system, what a breakthrough! Us farmers is sooooooooo smart, grain companies are our friends, railways love us t000000000000. Yup almost sounds to good to be true doesn't it??????????


      It may have been "yours" but it certainly was never "my" marketing system. And 60% of the farmers who voted weren't real keen on it either.

      If you want to keep selling barley for below market prices you are free to do so Burbert. The board has been crying about all of those kind of contracts that it is having trouble filling, they need guys like you.


        The last time i checked canola, peas,beans, mustard ect. all traded without the cwb, and did well. The cwb has self destructed with its insanely low initial prices. There is no incentive for anyone to bid to a true market price, when the board is at the bottom. If you like the board that much, sell to them. I haven't figured out how to make payments at 12 cents per bushel. Why should anyone be forced to sell only through the cwb?


          As Freedom day becomes closer the Western Barley Growers are recieving more requests and interest from offshore shippers and contractors.What is the interest here.....should the WBGA post these requests on their site?Of course there is no responsibility....just to act a networking centre.BURPIT would probably be charged a fee for the IQ test.


            Cropduster, it is my view that anything that adds to the open flow of information is a positive thing. The more information that is in the public domain the better. It is also my opinion that the open barley market will perform best for both buyers and sellers with a very active and timley flow of open flow of information.

            We are on the verge of being able to adopt the most modern form of communication to the marketing of barley, the internet to distribute accurate and truthful information, but as you say it it will be up to the individual to decide what to do with it.

            Burbert, you really are a nausiating clod. Post something useful for a change. Be as contrarian as you wish, but by just posting naaaasssssiiiiiaaaaatttttiiiiinnnnnggggg drrrrriiiiivvvvvaaaaallllll only shows what little substance you truly have to offer.

            We all get it, you are mad and anxious about the demise of the forced expropriation of other farmers barley and possibly wheat, but try being an adult and post something useful for a change.


              Here is something useful, for you guys on Angriville, most of the information posted on this site is pure BULLLLLLLLLL. You can take that to the Bank.


                Hey guys, got that Burbert used ten L's to spell Bull. So we better listen to him or else!

                But just in case others aren't swayed by the ten L's, how about three specific false points of information Burbert and the explanation to the false information ie why it is false.

                Most of us are adults here and actually like the backup information to support an argument. It helps us all determine whether the information is reliable or as you say with ten L's, bull.

                If you can't even give three specific examples, then you're the one full of ten L's.


                  Your ignonrance bleeds from you on every word you post. Try removing your head from your backside and smell the coffee instead. Go right ahead and sell as much barley,wheat and durum you like to board and take the quickest route to bankrupcy. The rest of us will live in a free/open market and finally enjoy some prosperity on these crop especially when wheat and durum are removed from the cronic wasting board as well.


                    Burbert, I wrote this last week on the thread - AU shares
                    perhaps you missed it, have a read, as to barley, give it up, let those that grow it, want to prosper and take the risks, and run their businesses as they should. Keep your bs to those arenas that cater to that. By the way if your such a stanch supporter of the CWB what is your financial contribution to "Friends of the CWB" ? or do you not see any value in it??
                    As to a foot note to the bottom of this earlier submission, I'm down to 500 acres to seed, 200 I think I can get the rest, well will try winter wheat.
                    original posting to AU Shares thread:
                    At times I find reading your statements interesting to say the least. Giving an off the wall opinion on things can entertain more lively debates. Yet this time you have totally lost it.
                    Firstly these shares are yours, AU empoyees are not brokers, why should they do the paper work for you?
                    Did you purchase these shares? or were they given to you back in the UGG or Man/AB Pool days for doing business with them? Most likely you don't have very many, so why didn't you take advantage (when they offered to) of AU's offers to purchase these shares with out brokerage fees?
                    Are you not happy with the $20.50 per common and the $24 for prefered? and not having to pay any brokerage fees there either? oh right you have to fill out some papers, damn what hard work. If I ever run into one of the farmer directors of AU, I'd be happy to shake their hand and say thanks, for executing one hell of a deal and for making AU the company it became, shows what a board of directors should do, make a corporation work, for both shareholders, farmers and its customers. A lesson another board should learn rather than play politics with farmers money.
                    Are employees of any place you deal with suppose to drop thier work just to cater to your needs? I'm sure if your as sour with any one you deal with as you are here, they all kringe when they see you coming. You must have no relations built with any farm businesses in your district do you?
                    But for your saving grace you do have the CWB to support you and keep your farm going. I do admire you for your convictions to up hold the monopoly, it shows that it does work for some. Yet you must admit not for all that is why at least us barley producers are finally getting choice. Be that to better our incomes or not, that is now our choice not a socialist choice.
                    Burbert, politics are your best bet for a carreer, I'd imagine the NDP need help, or else move up in the ranks of the NFU. Your commentary needs a wider audience.
                    My rant for the day, now back to try seeding again, still 850 acres to go, yet fields are a sponge with all the moisture here.


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