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Post USDA Report Rally

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    Post USDA Report Rally

    Just a note that markets are headed higher today after the USDA release lead by wheat. A small reduction in US wheat production when expectations were for an increase.

    As per usual, the report is not the important thing but rather the decisions that come out of it. Thoughts on strategies.

    You weren't kidding. Wow 30 cents in some month's. Is there anything else fueling this other than the report?


      Gotta be

      "Friends of the CWB"

      and Dionne's wet her forecust.


        Gobs of money looking for a return.


          Or risk takers with gobs of money hoping for, but not guaranteed, a return.


            Lee,I cant find our bets post but it was something like all time wheat high by the end,or start of july.We'll see what this latest rally does but i think i'm going to miss it by a little.


              Actually, CP, I don't think it was an all-time high. I think it was a life-of-contract high by sometime this summer. You drink single malt?


                Lee - I heard it was 38 year old single malt - not the screw cap varieties


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