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CWB friends Challenge

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    CWB friends Challenge

    This challenge is to members of the so called friends of the CWB. Can you report to us the average amount of barley acres seeded on your farm( that is if you still farm )and what percentage those barley acres represent of your total acreage. The reality is that if your side wants to submit a creditable argument you need to prove to everyone that you have a economic stake in the direction of the barley industry.

    Further to the above. It is my understanding that 12 barley farmers are bringing this challenge forward. We know Stewart Wells is one. Does anyone know the other 11. It is these that need to answer the above question.


      Wilfred(Butch)Harder is another.


        Those farmers are a front anyways. It's spearheaded by a couple of ex-CWB workers and funded by the Sask and Manitoba NDP. No funding, no lawsuit.

        To call this a farmer group is ridiculous.


          I'd like to suggest a name change for the Friends of the CWB:

          The Society for the Preservation of the Brontosaurus.


            Maybe farmers for change can intervene or counter sue for damages.If these donkeys want the responsibility of the court case they better accept the responsiblity of the lower prices farmers will receive.Don`t know what I`d do with a house in winterpeg.......or does Roehle live in a quonset too???


              Farmers (applicants) named on the application:

              Harold Bell
              Art Hadlund
              Art Macklin
              Lynn Jacobson
              Ken Eshpeter
              Terry Boehm
              Lyle Simonson
              Stewart Wells
              Bill Woods
              Wilf Harder
              Ken Sigurdson
              Keith Ryan


                Otherwise known as the dirty dozen.


                  Looks like they will be relying on affidavits from:

                  Dr. Richard Gray
                  Stewart Wells
                  Darrin Qualman
                  Ken Larson
                  Wilf Harder
                  Bill Woods


                    chaffmeister Good info thanks. Any chance we can break that down by province( where these defendants are from)


                      Best I could do:

                      Harold Bell - unknown
                      Art Hadlund - unknown
                      Art Macklin, DeBolt, AB (ex-CWB director)
                      Lynn Jacobson, Enchant, AB (Alberta Soft Wheat Producers Commission)
                      Ken Eshpeter, Daysland, AB (Alberta Pulse Growers; realvoiceforchoice.ca)
                      Terry Boehm, Allan, SK (Vice President, NFU)
                      Lyle Simonson, Swift Current, SK (NFU)
                      Stewart Wells, Swift Current, SK (NFU)
                      Bill Woods, Eston, SK (NFU; West Central Road & Rail)
                      Wilf Harder, Lowe Farm, MB (ex-CWB director)
                      Ken Sigurdson, Swan River, MB (Manitoba Coordinator for the NFU)
                      Keith Ryan – unknown (I think he’s from MB)

                      Dr. Richard Gray, U of S, Saskatoon, SK
                      Darrin Qualman, Saskatoon, SK (Director of Research, NFU)
                      Ken Larson, AB (NFU)


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