Myself as a farmer grain seller I would not sell my grain for less to a feed mill when the price they have to pay is say 4 dollars per bushel, if the price is 4 then the price is 4. It looks to me like the
Brazilians need wheat. Does the Wheat Board call this building markets because we do not normally sell to them? At the moment there is a shortage seemingly developing , why undercut someone that is not there. Why not pay more for our supposedly higher quality wheat that we have ever grown in past 10 years. What about the wheat board service? Is it worth anything? Burbert we are not all here to stampede to sell our grain off the combine.
Brazilians need wheat. Does the Wheat Board call this building markets because we do not normally sell to them? At the moment there is a shortage seemingly developing , why undercut someone that is not there. Why not pay more for our supposedly higher quality wheat that we have ever grown in past 10 years. What about the wheat board service? Is it worth anything? Burbert we are not all here to stampede to sell our grain off the combine.