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Grain Marketing & Fruit Peddlers

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    Herbdoctor, or is it herbsmoker?

    Not only do you show your pathetic inability to make a point, you also show you ignorance about the current state of grain based agriculture and the new opportunities that are just emerging!

    You claim to be concerned about having to sell grain cheaply, yet you defend the cwb giving away a dollar a bushel on a wheat sale, Your concerned about high costs of inputs, yet all you want is the cwb average (even though it would have to go up a buck just to achieve the status of average).

    The open market prices are on a march upwards because of the ethanol phenomenon, and we have the lowest wheat stocks in over thirty years and your concern is selling grain for prices that are cheaper than ever before?

    Maybe it's getting lost in translation, because I'll freely admit, I'm not fluent schizophrenic gibberish.



      Herbdoctor is going to look like a goldfish after 1:30CT... the CWB going after the feds!

      I talked to WCWGA about the DPC... guess what!

      CWB is going after the Government of Canada itself... the rumours are...

      Wonder what this will do to the Western Barley Contract on the WCE!

      ANyone bet what the Fruit Peddlers will do?


        Herb, Apparently the prices can only get better! Grain can't or won't go down in price. We won't let it, now that we have freedom of choice. Apparently, if the price isn't right we hold, it, sell it or smell it is a thing of the past. Buy more storage, we become grain companies ourselves, dealing locally. We are all going to help one another, no more throat cutting, oneupsmanship, or petty fighting, arguing or bickering, my neighbours are all my friends. We are our brothers keeper. The Golden rule, rules from hereon, now that the nasty CWB and its corrupt directors are just like the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          I find it kind of funny, that two of the supporters of the CWB(Burbet,Herbdoctor),one has an addiction to pot, and the other we found out this winter is an alcoholic!!!!LOL!!!


            AS, if you have lost hundreds of thousands because of the CWB, what would you have done with the extra Mil?



              That question: "AS, if you have lost hundreds of thousands because of the CWB, what would you have done with the extra Mil?"

              How about value added for our community... business for our children, help for local charities... food & medicine for hungry and sick folks in far away lands...

              A hundred and one uses other than to pad the pockets of your union worker & and multi-national friends... who can't survive without the CWB monopoly.

              You should hang your head in shame.


                I spend a fair bit of time watching an american farm forum. They have no controversial (as if it should be) wheat board. You all know what they talk about? Production tips, they share pictures, they commend eachother on good looking crops, and feel bad about their fellow farmers when they have trouble. They have no CWB. They actually get paid up front for their produce, and don't have such a snotty attitude towards eachother, because they are not split, unevenly though it may be, as we are here in WESTERN Canada. One more reason the board must be banned along with the CBC, and it should be placed in our constitution that state run garbage should not be allowed back in. Those american friends of ours? They are getting things done, and here? We who want freedom have to continually fight to sell our OWN PRODUCTS. Lets move on friends of the WESTERN canadian wheat bored. There is a buck a bushel on the table that should be in our pockets. Do you want to join your fellow farmers and work towards getting that dollar, like our americans counterparts do, or are you still willing to deny those of us the right to sell our grain as we see fit, like a typical bunch of Canadian leftist communists?
                The choice is yours. If you want to sell your grain at a loss throught the great CWB, go for it. But you should therefore let me and my comrades sell our grain to whom we want, where we want, and let us have that choice. We do not begrudge you of your choice, so why not let us have ours? What exactly is the problem guys? What are you afraid of?



                  You hit the nail on the head!

                  These "typical bunch of Canadian leftist communists',as you call them, like agstar00, are a handfull of scheming troublemakers, and they need to divide the farm community, pitting farmer against farmer to get any traction.

                  These people don't want to work together!



                    Thanks persimmon, for reminding me, I'm behind in my party dues. Lighten up ,the" Reds in My bed" era ended a long time ago. You should look in the mirror and reflect on your comments, you might be embarrassed by what you are spouting here. As for T4 , I thought AS might start up one of those new grain companies, with all that money he says he would have made, that will compete for our business in the new "FREE" enviroment.


                      Agstar, Apparently anyone with least bit of common sense, according to these loyal AB PROGRESSIVE c's are, drunken, commie, pinko, left leaning, dull witted, mean spirited, greedy, guys/gals, that are holding them back from making some real coin, farming???? Caff says he doesn't know, what I'm trying to say, BUTT apparently I'm wrong. What else is new, these Farmers for Justice Guys make me want to puke, pretending to be big time marketeers, shame on you all!!!


                        Get agstar to take you to Montreal to meeting/interview/commisurate with the politico he favors, the "Larouche Youth Movement".

                        Central-plan yourselves into a stupor.It's what you do best. But don't do it in Western Canada. Farmers have elected to turf out the flower-child idiocy.



                          Parsley, Duhhh, the last time I checked, it was revealed that we reside in a democracy, I can think and say what I please, sorry it doesn't fall into your narrow minded mean spirited world.


                            Burbert to quote you "the last time I checked, it was revealed that we reside in a democracy, I can think and say what I please". To that we can now add we can market our barley as we please, hopefully wheat soon. Thanks for finally coming around Burbert.


                              Forced participation, and jailing people to make them participate is what is mean-spirited, burbert.

                              That's your ideology.

                              What's next on yours and agstar's agenda? Firing Squad for selling turnips on the fruit peddlars's stand?

                              Or is that one torture?



                                Only if they are organic turnipS!!!


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