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Grain Marketing & Fruit Peddlers

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    it was revealed that we reside in a democracy


    The results of the barley plebiscite announced today are not overly surprising. The CWB has been surveying farmers every year for the past 10 years and these results appear to be consistent with our annual findings.



    Who wants to explain this democracy?


      Yes, you do like to expropriate organic profits, agstar.

      It's what you represent.



        Incognito, Chaffmeister Charlie/Lee,

        This very interesting discussion... it proves an interesting theory of mine:

        Democracy... that does NOT Respect individual freedom, individual rights, that refuses to live by "Common Law" rights and obligations... Like:

        1. Do unto others as you would have done unto you,
        And the Negative Golden Rule, which states;
        Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;

        2. Do not infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and
        Keep all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally:

        Written for the guidance and help for Agstar77, and Burberts of this world... We -DO NOT- infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others... WE MUST ALSO UNDERSTAND:

        i. That for every wrong there is a remedy,

        ii. The end does not justify the means,

        iii. Fundamental principals cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship in a particular case,

        iv. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law,

        v. Two wrongs do not make a right, and

        vi. One can enlarge the rights of the people, however they cannot be taken away without their informed consent.

        Sadly present CWB Directors refuse to govern by these standards... even when the CWB By Laws require them to heed these laws.

        A Democracy without absolute truths, standards, and that governs by "popular opinion" ...
        Has a big problem when that opinion turns "EVIL" and is motivated by GREED.

        Democracy becomes the worst possible system of governance when it no longer respects or expects; freedom and individual responsibility.


          lost in this debate are the crops not under the collective.....like the canola I am seling old crop for $9, $9 for new crop, $9 for next years crop off the combine.....and I know cp will say i am selling too low but it is a start.......but also the $6 plus fob farm old crop and new crop peas.....and $4.20 new crop feed wheat off the combine(would be better if it werent for &^%$# wheat board) ..could not even get my damned new crop dpc's becuase farmers that actually grow the wheat are running so hard from pooling none will be left behind unless forced to be....so all you collectivist, socialist pot lickers band together and form a commune and get the ^&^%$ out of my business, you can pool your own shit, do not worry about mine...maybe Cuba or Venuezuela will have you.....i got 20 to 30 years of farming left in me and I certainly do not want to put up with your horse&^%$


            Northfarmer, I agree, things is good right now, but the market will ultimately correct itself. The confusion and uncertainty right now, is a blessing to since prices are on the rise and supplies are uncertain. However the time will come, when there is a market correction, then things will again be interesting, Let the Whinning and snivelling begain, farmers will squeal louder than animals they raise, when times get tough. But I guess, if our friends are now, grain companies and railroads, times have indeed changed!


              You are right Burbert , I see Parsley has branched out into a rather pretentious organic whine. That is how she is making profits for us to take. l.o.l.


                This idea of different companies being a farmer's friend or for that matter whether the wheat board or my neighbor is my friend.

                What does this have to do with anything?

                We or each of us can enter into arrangements with others that can be good for both. If you want to build an agency or keep one going that has as an important purpose to protect me from "evil" companies which is what I understand is implied then I'm out.



                  At least you are admitting that you want to raid organics' profits, while so many of your comrades, as winwin calls them, accuse the robbed as being the greedy ones!

                  But yearning for the unearned, is your earmark. Wantin a chunk of the change, that's your motto.

                  Are you running as a Liberal in the next election, agstar?



                    agstar is a NDP he had Layton at his Farm in 05.
                    If the CWB is a all about pooling resources, and Western Canada has a 15% share of the market if the CWB supporters who are maybe 45% of farmers(not acres) they would still have a fairly substantial pool.
                    Agstar why can't this work?


                      News to me, must have been out combining. Little naive aren't we. You would like to see pooled and unpooled grain compete for market share by who would offer the lowest price? Even Tom would admit that is crazy. If you wish to destroy the present system then do it, but don't pretend you can have your cake and eat it too. Our farm will survive nomatter which system wins, because we'll take parsley's and AS's big profits. T.I.C.


                        Agstar you should have made bold
                        TAKE parsleys and adams profits.


                          Agstar, You might want to be a bit careful, using common sense, cause that my friend, is considered a liability. On the farm, it is an asset. However in the world of marketing it's a no, no. Marketing is complicated and can only be done, by the best and brightest and brokers on the block. People that know how to use their computers and phones, not shovels, to add value to grain, cause up until NOW apparently we were all getting SR---D by the CWB ha, ha, ha, ha, grain companies and railroads are looking out for our best interest!!!!



                            Interesting you should say this:

                            "You would like to see pooled and unpooled grain compete for market share by who would offer the lowest price? Even Tom would admit that is crazy."

                            I suppose to know this marketing "truth" you learnt it from CWB Marketing 101?

                            Every day the CWB competes with our "pooled grain" against unpooled grain that makes up the other 85% of our grain markets.

                            No wonder we are returned such pathetic prices... the CWB has not learnt yet what "personal responsibility" requires of commercial and finacially accountable business.

                            About time CWB managers begin to understand how the rest of the world requires performance instead of pathetic excuses!

                            Only a lead pipe monopoly backed with the threat of a gun and jail... could get away with what has happened at 423 main... for as long as they have!


                              Are you running as a Liberal in the next election, agstar?

                              Are you in favor of the CWB spending pooling-accounts money to support Liberals in the next election, agstar?



                                Interesting thought Parsnip.....ATI request to see how many dollars have been donated to Libs,even before `farmer directed`.With old Roehle in there ,who would know/care?


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