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Barley Meeting in Regina

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    Barley Meeting in Regina

    WBGA is holding one of their barley meetings in Regina during the farm show. If I wasn't so busy on the "trout farm" I know have I might just attend!


    For Immediate Release


    June 19, 2007 - The Western Barley Growers Association (WBGA) will sponsor a special presentation on barley marketing at the Western Canada Farm Progress Show on June 20th.

    The Future of Barley Marketing will answer producers’ questions about selling their own barley. Farmers voted for market choice in last winter’s CWB plebiscite and last week Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl announced that regulations to end the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly on sales of barley to maltsters and export markets will take effect on Aug. 1.

    “We are into a whole new world now that the doors have been opened to producer marketing. This is something we haven’t had the opportunity to do before, so I know many producers have a lot of questions,” said WBGA President Jeff Nielsen.

    “Barley marketing in Canada is changing. What we will do at our meeting is provide producers with the practical information they need to thrive in the barley marketplace.”

    Where: Salon C, Queensbury Centre, Regina Exhibition Park (site of Farm Progress Show)
    When: 1-2: pm,Wednesday June 20,
    What: Presentation, followed by informal question-and-answer session.

    Event is free for all Western Canada Farm Progress Show attendees.
    Media are invited.

    For more information contact: Jeff Nielsen, WBGA President
    Phone: 403.556.3035, Cell: 403.556.0408

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