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DPC program fill time

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    DPC program fill time

    Just some thoughts about the DPC and how long it took to fill up. Was the CWB allowing pre time faxes to be entered or how much staff did they put towards this signup? If you do the math at 650000 tonnes with 5000 tonne limits it is 130 contracts which would be possible with a couple of staff, however if you break that down to
    1000 tonne=650 contracts
    500 tonne=1300 contracts
    100 tonne=6500 contracts
    Now I am not a huge farmer but I am not going to be signing up more than 100-200 tonne on a program that has such sketchy details so I wonder how many people signed the 5000 tonnes up. Even if companies were phoning on behalf of farmers I hae signed FPC and they take a minute or two each.
    What I am really getting at is
    1. Again a CWB program leaves me edgy with its details and delivery.
    2. Could a company have signed up tonnage with the CWB to re offer DPC contracts later to its customers in order to gain delivery commitment from farmers?
    3. How many tonnes would have been signed to the DPC had the CWB left it with no limits, only carryover grain or new crop?

    Its the CWB way, some get the goodies, most get the shaft.


      After watching the rally today, I will be even more curious as to how much of the DPC will be people pricing out old crop and how much will legitimately be used as a new crop tool.

      Will always ask the question why western Canada goes through this goofy process of which pooling year at the end of every crop year. Why not just have cash pricing at the end of a pooling year? Would reduce the impact of year like the current one where decisions about pooling year can have major impacts on both old and new crop total payments. Farmers would be able to use the DPC for what it was created to do - new crop pricing reflecting similar opportunities to what our neighbors south of us enjoy and a price that allows a better line up with the producers direct sale contract.

      Sorry. Off topic/ranting.


        The CWB cash pricing? Now there is a radical concept. They'll have to think about that one for at least another ten years.


          Even Vader suggested multiple pooling periods within a crop year. This would make the situation better than today. But like you said, the average period between an good idea and implementation is 10 years. Then it takes another ten years to fix the problems. Ah, but much better to be out in the dingy fighting the legal battles around barley, ceo appointments, etc and leave the good ship CWB to sink behind in a sea of bureaucracy, regulation and socially oriented producer pricing options (based on equity/equality) versus market oriented/business based contracts.


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