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Cost of production payment

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    Cost of production payment

    Hey guys, I just got my cheque and it looks like it is 2.36% of the average of the 5 years eligible net sales. I thought it was going to be 2.36% of all eligible net sales for all 5 years. Am I wrong? Doesn't help much when fuel is almost double what it was a few years ago and fertilizer double in the last 6 months! Maybe we need to riot and start throwin' sheep up the steps of the parliment building like they did in France a fews years back.

    I am worried this payment will help to justify the higher priced fuel, fert, and chemical prices that we have here compared to the US.


      I have doubts weather the payment covers the price spreads from our two countries.
      The payment was really quite small comparatively to everything else.


        What's a matter guys...the government tit gone a bit dry?

        Never trust government programs...they are just there to keep you working but the returns are slim.

        You are now in the "peasant" class...get used to it or get out.



          Interesting observation:
          "Never trust government programs...they are just there to keep you working but the returns are slim."

          THe CWB is a government program if there ever was one. The CWB would not exist, nor would it's confiscation powers... without the draconian raw power of the Trade and Commerce legislation it depends upon.

          Going to jail... is an interesting alternative to selling our produce to a willing customer at a fair price.

          You can't have it both ways Willy... and as long as the CWB recks true market signals... these folks have a real and obvious point about the lack of competition and arbitage on inputs... and grain pricing distortions the CWB affects right throughout our grain merchant system in Canada!


            i thought the paymennt was the average of the last five years?


              Just wondering what mathemetician figured out that diesel and fertilizer only went up 2.36%. As far as the other programs what is the understanding out there does cais just have a new name and doesn't cover the first 15% or is that not the way it is. We will have to wait and see what these 4 so called new programs entail. To me it looks like there is nothing new but now we have all the old programs back at one time. Won't that be a an accountant's christmas!


                Tom4cwb, After all this time, it turns out, you don't even know, what the CWB is! A government program, WRONG!!!!!! It is operated and directed by farmers, it is our marketing organization. According to many others on this sight, you are the most greatest marketer that ever live, here in Alberta. I've heard you talk on several times at meetings, you seem to be on drugs or totally out to lunch most of the time.............. Wow this confirms it, the CWB that we are tearing up, is a government agency????????????????? Hint, wear a mask the next time you are mixing chemicals, tell your Angriville buddy's about the concept, maybe sanity will return, to some in the loop/group.....



                  As a community leader, what is your vision for agriculture in the future? It surely must go beyond your blind faith in the CWB. I also suspect you are not farming with horses or steel wheeled tractors. You are currently an internet user so you are partipating in one of the most fundamental changes in agriculture in the last 100 years - access to better information and discussion about mutual concerns.



                    I know this much for sure about the CWB.

                    Abolish the CWB Act and Regulations... and see what is left!

                    The CWB - is 100% - a government creation... and maintained by government statute alone.

                    When in Quebec, I found out that they just started a new "single desk" marketer for their Maple Syrup. 66% had to approve... before it is allowed to go ahead...

                    And even in Quebec... they allow the growers an exeption to sell from their own farms... direct market the premium Maple product and keep the profit for each family for it's benefit.

                    We never had a vote where the CWB got it's "Single desk".

                    Pain and suffering of my neighbours are enough to get me passionate about the CWB,,, no further artificial encourager (drugs you say?) has ever been needed to make me serious and dedicate my undivided attention to the real injustice the CWB has created and holds over our farms!



                      You said:

                      "According to many others on this sight, you are the most greatest marketer that ever live, here in Alberta"

                      You misunderstand.

                      There are principals of marketing... that every one of us can learn.

                      I don't hold a candle to wise marketing... compared to some neighbours I know...

                      But I do try to learn from them and share the wisdom behind what makes them such great marketers!

                      Timing is a big part of marketing... being patient... and allowing other people involved their right to say yes or no to a marketing choice of decision... and actually listening.

                      Most of all recognising mistakes... acting in a responsible manner... and learning from them... is the key to a being great manager!

                      I hope I have done the right thing more often than not... my hope for you as well Burbert!


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