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Wondering what other companys are cheap from CWB

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    Wondering what other companys are cheap from CWB

    I think there should be an open book public accountablity meeting on the CWB. How many other bussiness have been given cheap grain and have hidden behind the secrecy of the CWB. Those same companies are the ones that are pushing to save the board.All sales of wheat and barley should be checked . and all employees should have their pay held back until the reveiw is complete. Further more they if found to be in the the wrong , FIRED and sued to make up the difference owed to Canadian farmers. Canadain Malters have lived off of us much to long.

    Just wondering if those suggesting the CWB has sweetheart deals with the maltsters are the same knitballs who were saying three years ago that the new malting plants in the U.S. would have been built in Canada if not for the CWB. Hmm!


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