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Is this something new or recycled money?

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    Is this something new or recycled money?

    OTTAWA, Ontario, July 11, 2007 – The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board, will in Calgary on Thursday, July 12 to announce the delivery of $1 billion assistance to farmers. The Minister will be available to speak to media following his announcement.

    Just another "pop-up" moment that Strahl, like his portly boss, likes to use to announce another program that the CONservatives have come up with to show how they are servicing Canadians with their own money again.

    Undoubtedly it will give a hint of what is to come with the "new" agricultural policy (details to be worked out later).

    Another political gimmick to get your attention and give you unending hope while input costs soar and your bank account balance teeters towards disaster.

    Like the "rainmakers" of old, these politicos will snow you AGAIN and you will suck it up and love it.


      Oh no do I find myself agreeing with wilagro on some points. Scary stuff.

      Does this mean my socialist neighbor who signs up for all these freebies is going to try to bid up rent again?


        I see it was the same 1 billion they announced before. I wonder how many more times they will announce the same money.


          Yeah everytime they announce the same thing the media adds it again, so let's see we must be getting about 5 billion according to news accounting. Mind you even the media realizes the 400 million is what has been sent and the remaining 4.6 billion will be in some kind of program at some point in time for some kind of situation all of which no one including the ag minister has a clue about. I think our ag minister should represent me when I discuss my revenue off my crop with my banker, let's see Mr. banker I'm going to get 30 bushels per acre of canola,...................... and did I mention my canola will run 30 so that's 60 bushels and at some point in time if I can harvest my canola should run 30 bushels per acre. Wow that's 90 bushels per acre.



            If you don't appreciate the funds comming to you, I would be happy to send it to one of my favorite charities.

            There are many young people who need an opportunity to go to summer camp, that have been caught in the "prosperity squeeze"... and I am sure the funds could be put to use helping someone who really could use a hand up... since you don't appreciate the hand out!

            I for one am thankful for the help.

            Thank You PM Harper, Minister Strahl, and to all the folks who worked hard to send out this funding to help us pay our bills!

            Invest it wisely... can you get it to return 3X, 5X, or 10X by stategically doing a better job of farming?

            It is not a perfect was to distribute the needed help... but it sure beats picking bottles or garbage out of the ditch like some of our youth do to raise the funds they need!


              I appreciate the money. I object to the government announcing it over and over as the general public only reads the headlines and figures that the farmer is getting a billion dollars every few weeks.


                Any chance that this is designed for farmers that really need it (bad year or two) or will it be like all the past programs that give it out to all?.


                  You will know soon enough as to what hoops you have to jump through to receive this government largess.

                  My bets are on more (not less), accounting records and accounting fees in order to receive the SHORTFALL. How I love that word. It covers a plethora of conditions and problems.

                  So Tom4CWB, you will welcome the money. Good for you. Did you ever think that you would be farming so as to receive what is essentially SOCIAL ASSISTANCE?

                  Something is wrong with the whole SYSTEM of farming. Maybe a little money spent to study and rectify the underlying problems would in the end , save the TAXPAYERS these billions of re-cycled dollars allocated for agriculture.


                    Yeah MR. Harper and Mr. Strahl thanks so much for working so hard to get rid of Cais and now call it something else but with 15% reduced coverage, thanks for the new programs for all those farmers that could not seed and those that did and are drowned out what is the new name for that old program I forgot. All of us farmers are appreciative for the money but let's get frickin real here the only changes this Conservative government have done so far is reduce the old programs. And in case anyone hasn't noticed the so called quick disaster program is deducted off the so called slow old cais new name program so there will not be any more money in any of these programs. Accountants made more money off the couple of programs we had before what is it going to cost now with what is it 4 new programs.
                    The only thing I legitimately give credit to is good job on having the barley vote but why not wheat as well?
                    I'd sure like to hear more from those who could not seed and seeded but lost their crop, because I don't know about other areas but our MP's were blasting the Liberals for the useless programs and no new ideas and boy we're going to be there for you guys, well what a joke this has turned out to be. Thanks so much for thinking were so stupid as to vote for you next round. If anyone should be thankful it should be these western Conservative MP's who have a great job will get a better pension (talk about welfare to the rich) than most suckers that voted for them, that us here even gave thought to put you where you are.


                      wilagro, Baffle the farmers with BS, they love it. No doubt, the new way will ultimately be way more confusing. We now need a broker, an accountant, more cheap labour, a FBR, an 800# to call the ag dept for advice, a friendly banker,a good caring HTP elevator manager, a friendly trucking company, with great drivers that show up on time! What will happen to all those good experienced people at CAIS, those hard/working, hands on farmer accountants that administered the program. Guess they'll become boosters of the new scheme to keep their cushy PC jobs. Whinnning and snivelling will be a thing of the past, glorious new PC program will undoubtedly reach out to leaders/movers and shakers in the ag sector for more advice. Best advice ever given, continue to screw the little guys!!!!!!!!!!!! Invest in the future the Canadian Ag industry is going to tear the world a new as-----. We should all switch to growing mushrooms, being kept in the dark and being fed BS, perfect combo for Chucks Canuck farm boys and girls.....


                        So I gather the "old way" is working pretty good then.



                          You wrote,

                          "So Tom4CWB, you will welcome the money. Good for you. Did you ever think that you would be farming so as to receive what is essentially SOCIAL ASSISTANCE?"

                          Excuse me!

                          THis year our farm has spent $60g on crop insurance; well over $500g on putting the 07 crop in the ground; Machine payments of 100g; on and on it goes... money spent like water... and a few g$$$ returned back means we are living on Social Assistance?

                          I think NOT!

                          Burbert, If you have a better system that is fairer, please put it down here... so I can send it through and get it implemented! SERIOUSLY!


                            Burbert: I am getting really tired of discussing/arguing with this cabal of "big" farmers who KNOW that the CWB has caused most of our economic distress because they "always" sell for less on the world market...Always sell malting barley to the malsters at the "lowest" price and steal from the pools to cover shortfalls and "cook" the books constantly.

                            How do these people know these things happen?...or are their suspicions justified? Don't they believe ANYthing that the CWB says they do for farmers?

                            It seems that they want the big bad bogeyman eliminated for good and individual marketing is superior to collective marketing.



                              You said: "...individual marketing is superior to collective marketing."

                              Individual responsibility is always far better than any other system... for those willing to do the work and stand behind their decisions. THis is especially true in marketing relationships.

                              The CWB can easily create a progressive marketing system... not unlike the Organic Grain programs announced July 7th...

                              The CWB CAN easily and effectively facilitate the needs of individuals who have a track record of being responsible and standing behind decisions they initiated.

                              For other folks who are not ready of willing to be personally responsible... pooling is a reasonable alternative!

                              What exactly is evil and disrespectful about this kind of solution?


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