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Is this something new or recycled money?

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    tom if you paid $60g for crop insurance then i think you must have gotten a subsidy well in excess of $100g if things haven't changed too much from my days in alberta. what portion of the premiums do the two senior levels of govt. pay now?



      THis works out to about $12/ac with hail insurance, at about $150/ac with 60% coverage. Yes the Gov. puts in some funding...

      Other than cash flow CAISP will eventually pay a simular amount out, with the cash flow being slower and, the CAISP margin decreases for future coverage without crop insurance.

      No one on our farm expects to collect a cent on the crop insurance at 60% coverage. If a 2002 type of disaster hits again... we need to pay our bills, and this allows us to meet the obligations we have.

      Everyone is paying into our crop insurance.. yes; as they are paying into the fire insurance on your house... and the insurance on the vehicles we drive.

      Collecting Insurance makes no one rich, I hope we never need it again for another 120 years!


        whatever you say!


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