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Bottineau Durum Price?

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    One other thing. Don't give the governments and traders more respect than they deserve. When Stats Can came out with their census numbers in June, they found that they had been over reporting to the tune of 5 million acres (oops). What did that do to the grain markets. And I've seen the remote sensing output. For the most part, it's still guesswork. Wake up, there isn't a conspiracy.


      BennyHin -- this isn't about Cdn farmers selling wheat into the U.S. At issue is why is the open market consistently paying so much more to U.S. farmers than the returns provided by the CWB, regardless of whether you compare spot prices or average returns? Remember it is the CWB (and of course Richard Gray at the U of S) that are always boasting about the wonderful premiums the Board earns. If that's the case, shouldn't the CWB be blowing the doors off those poor U.S. farmers who don't have the "advantage" of single desk selling?

      I think it's incredibly unjust that western Cdn farmers don't have the freedom to sell their property to whomever they like, whenever they like (unlike me, a city-dweller), but even setting that argument aside, how can you possibly justify forcing all farmers to market their grain collectively when there's absolutely no evidence that the CWB provides farmers with higher returns where it matters most -- at the farmgate.


        Benny you must be my neighbor out here. You can hit him in the head with a 2by4 and he will come up telling you how good the CWB is. then Hit him again and he comes out it gets me a premium. Hit him again and its a conspiracy.
        Well fact is fact for the last year or more the CWB is getting us around $1.00 to $1.50 less per bushel not more.
        They had a good show for years in western Canada guarantee certain buyers a product for minimal Price. But the farmers are slowly catching on.
        I for one am getting so mad Check your last check here in July still haven't got over $4.00 and the crop year is done. WHERE IS THE MONEY!!!!
        Posted CWB price in Vancouver and Price at local ND Elevators are the same wonder why.
        The Border will be crashed on November 1, 2007 come one and all.


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