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Learnings from Cotton picken

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    Learnings from Cotton picken

    High prices are coming.
    High prices are here.

    $8.90 for cash canola at ADM today. Finally sold my canola. No I'm not a complex marketer, a patient one. What I learned from cotton is farmers are very diverse. There is no one solution fits all, that they are more passionate than any other industry I have been involved in. That most farmers although they are independent hate to see others get ahead. That we should all share equally is workable for some, but for many others not. That tolerance is a touchy word. That some farmers would rather gamble their entire farm away on a government social agency with all the other farmers equally sharing than try 'going more commercial'. That I probably sold my canola to cheap because cotton says it will be much higher soon. I hope you're right on that one cotton.

    Keep it up cotton, Vi-agri-ville needs you.


      I have to give you that. You predicted the commodity market well.

      I do want to understand the commodity market better.

      I can only seem to develop loyalty with customers who in turn pay me more then they would pay others.

      "you may call me stupid...you may call me dumb...and yes...you may even call me stupid..."


        If you call the market higher for long enough, eventually you'll be right.


          and eventually you'll be wrong.


            CP was predicting $20/bushel canola so he'll be half right if it hits $10.


              20$ in two and a half years.easy.


                from agriweek
                Soybean futures in Chicago are trading as far out as November 2009, but on a day when the July 2008 future closed at $9.53 a bushel the last month was $9.12.
                Cotton are you buying options or futures that far out or RU an armchair marketer?
                BTW I do appreciate your posts you will at least defend yourself unlike Vader or Agstar who disapear when the questions get tough, and your not a nut like Wilagrow guys like him give the socialists a bad name



                  Beans at US$20/bu... if the US$ is half of the value it was 5 years ago... is $10/bu in constant US dollars. THis also means $10/bu US for wheat was $5.


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