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CWB Illegal Actions

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    CWB Illegal Actions


    You wrote:

    "It is the Canadian way to seek legal redress if you believe there has been an illegal action taken by a political party. It is not the Canadian way to use illegal actions to change laws."

    In this case it is clearly the CWB Directors that belong to the "Single Desk" Party that are breaking the "Law".

    The CWB Bylaws in fact govern what standards CWB Directors are to use in making decisions. Recent changes to Organic wheat, barley, PPO's, clearly identify the need every "designated area" grain grower has to determine the marketing needs of their own farm family. The DPC sellout in an hour and a half proves this.

    It is the "Single Desk" Party... Directors of the CWB themselves... that is offside and not maximising the returns of grain growers.

    By going to Federal Court in July to insure we earn $50M less on our malt barley... barley growers did not offer to them in the first place...this alone should be proof "Single Desk" Directors all should resign, as a result of illegal and negligent actions any reasonable person with common sense would find!

    And further to your comments, Tom...every single desk director has broken the law of Parliament if they voted to charge a "fee" on interprovincial organic sales.

    Blantant disregard for the law.

    The nerve of agstar!


      And the suits those guys wear breaks every fashion law.....


        If you don't like it and you think it is illegal , go to court! You are good at whining and that is about it!



          You said:

          "If you don't like it and you think it is illegal , go to court! You are good at whining and that is about it!"

          Nice TRY!

          That is quite a taunt... comming from a Director that KNOWS how much time, money, and effort I have spent trying to get through these issues and resolve them with as little cost as possible.

          Spending my money, to attack me, instead of your own money Agstar77... it's cute... I have been involved many times before... am still involved now...

          We can't even get the CWB into court on issues like spending our grower money on Part IV export licenses... when the CWB Act 7. (2) states the income and expences from Export Licenses (CWB Act Part IV) are to go to and return to the Receiver General Consolidated Revenue Fund; because they are NOT part of Part III of the CWB Act.

          Agstar77 shouldn't you have to spend time in jail for the contempt of Court the CWB is causing by undue delay of the justice system?



            1. The days of Boards of Directors, audit committees, etc. "acting cute" are over.

            2. Neither the public nor the courts have any patience left for those practicing partisanship or favoritism, or sneakiness, or downright dishonesty running an institutions.

            3. Directors have a legal feduciary duty to follow the law. You might do yourself a favor to look up the word feduciary. And learn what it means. Those who do, have a better chance of watching their kids grow up from a close vantage point instead of a strange city in crowded quarters with a hard bed.



              And by the waym agstar, you avoided the accusal. I'm saying the law says no fee can be charged when I sell a load of grain to Ontario.

              The new organic policy says I have to pay a fee.

              The CWB is BLATANTLY dismissing the law.

              Puke up an answer if you can.



                Pars... be nice... !

                Agstar77 and Benny,

                Cat got your keyboard?

                By the way... are you personally going to remburse us "designated area" grain growers... if the legal beagle you hired is wrong?

                Will your CWB legal council and managers get fired... if they gave you bad advice?

                How about it... are you CWB Single Desk Directors willing to be responsible for your actions?


                  The wheat board has done its best to fight the will of the farmerrs that it is supposed to serve, and to protect its cushy no pressure and no performance type jobs. I hate to admit it but they have done a pretty good job at both but as far as serving the best intersts of grain producers or embracing change in this rapidly changing world they are a total failure. They will go the way of dinosaur, either gracefully or kicking like hell but will perish nonetheless.


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