snappy, Here is a price for malt barley, $12.00 a bu., posted by our former friends at the defunct AU company. Now you can't get that price, cause they won't buy your grain at that price, but they say that is what they would pay IF, they wanted malt, but they don't. ***Here is the price that I'll pay FOB to our farm, $15.00 a bu.*** But unfortunately I don't want any malt barley, maddening ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! This is farm economics at its best, a dream world filled with dreamers, a special deal for me,myself and I. I hope the dirty 30's return to everyone else except meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Wonder what my useless neighbours are up to today?
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Malt Barley 07/08 Crop Year
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snappy, or is it yappy, I bet you are a little pipsqueak, pretending to be a big wheel. You know what dogs do to big wheels, or dooooo you? At any rate, here's a news flash, you'll never rent or buy our land. I'll pick and choose whether or not to quit farming, when I please, no cause the guys/gals on angrivile want me to go. As far as angrivile having anything to do with grain prices, yeah right! In this business right now, the suckh---s and buttk---ers are really in the drivers seat lining up with grain companies and railroads is sure to make you big bucks, yukkkkkkkkkkk!!!!
Simple question, after your dead and gone... will anyone miss you? Do you plan on taking all your hard earned money and grain in your bins with you?
What do you think... bite, chew, kick and scream... for every last cent... for what? Why are you doing this...
Or are you bluffing and kidding around with us!?!
Your really just the biggest kidder here on Agri-ville?
Sneaky GUY that you are!
Tom4cwb, Don't worry about me TOM! You farm your way, cozy, happy, at peace with your friends and neighbours, the almighty, grain companies and railroads. I'll farm my way, scratching and grabbing at the tiny morsels, thrown my way. Here's a question for you to think about, How come the Hut. colonies are never accused of being Commie? After all they live communally, only CWB supporters are accused of being Commie here on agnriville. Guess it is because they are such good PC,s eh!!! I hear that they don't even vote, at election time. Wonder if any voted during the barley pleb?
You are telling Tom to farm his way on his farm while you farm your way on yours, right?
So how come you would also say that he has to keep selling his wheat the same way you think it should be done?
On another post Wilagro said that people should be able to change their opinions and live with a little change in life (or something like that). However, even though he doesn't even farm anymore, he would also say we cannot change the way the cwb operates or the rules it imposes on us.
You Said,
"How come the Hut. colonies are never accused of being Commie? After all they live communally,"
On our family farm, we do the same as the Hut. Colonies... share income, expenses... does this make our family communist?
If I told you... YOU BURBERT "MUST" share your and your families income with my family... or if you don't I will have my inforcers cuff & jail you... that would be communist.
If we work together on a voluntary basis... it is a joint venture or partnership.
A voluntary decision to work together... with the option to split and work seperately... is co-operation... Hutterite Brethern are not forced to stay on the farm.
IMHO a very long way from Karl Marx and forced collective backed up by hand cuffs and prision terms!
Tom4cwb, I will share/help anyone who needs help on the farm or off the farm. While we live in a democracy, it is by no means a free country. The rule of law and due process apply. Your FFJ guys knew the law, then broke it, hence they paid the price. Maddening isn't it. People in jail for smoking grass, or tossing a cream pie also get upset with the law. Bohoo, bohoo Gov't spying on their own taxpayers, relative to AUEB matters, is an outrage. Some politico's head should roll over that one!!!!!!
I see the boys took my post off. I really don't care. Burbert you my friend are a loser!!! You babble babble babble, now your talking about Hut Colonies?? What planet are you from??? Don't really care about agr-ville anymore(not to say there aren't decent people on this site) but everytime you try to have a decent thread some loser like Burbert or Benny start talking about something way off base.
I found a way better site that is informative, and the posts are genuine!!
snappy, GREAT, share your profound wisdom with others, they'll benefit from what you spew, no doubt about it. Sorry to lose your brilliant insights, into Commies, drunks, losers, abusers, and other name calling techniques that you seem to cherish! I hope things go well for you in Buggery Whip, or is it Pumphandle your home stomping grounds. By, By, little guy, happy farming! No, no really, have a great day!!!!!!!!
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