First of all, agatar , you say:
1. "Good old supply and demand except we have not learned to choke off supply."
So obviously you want to stymie production.
Then, of all ridiculous things, you say, " People with large disposable incomes can afford to satisfy their fears".
So you want less food, and who is going to be able to afford it, agstar?
You currently seem to resent rich people paying a premium to organics, so if there is less production, the rich can afford to pay more, but what about the rest?
Or are you also planning on selecting the people who are allowed to purchase that limited supply?
Catholics can starve, Baptists get to eat, tall people starve, shorties get to eat, men starve, women get to eat, Nigerians starve, Saudis get to eat.
Hey, you're on a roll, agstar!
Here sits agstar, legs crossed in yoga position, daisy in hand, "It's picking petals on a daisy...he eats, guess she doesn't, ... theys eats, guess thems donts...."
2. BRANDING is the CWB's hot new vision. You used the word. Branding.
3. Safety issue: You want to have a debate on the food safety issue? I thought the topic was Canadian Fair Trade.
I'm not afraid to wade into that debate, agstar, but I don't think this is the appropriate thread.
I will make one statement about it.
Ask any person in Canada this question:
"Do you prefer food grown with or without pesticides?"
For organics, the consumer, the eater, the food preparationist, the parent, all of them, are always right.
Listen to your consumer replies and quit being an obnoxious peer.
1. "Good old supply and demand except we have not learned to choke off supply."
So obviously you want to stymie production.
Then, of all ridiculous things, you say, " People with large disposable incomes can afford to satisfy their fears".
So you want less food, and who is going to be able to afford it, agstar?
You currently seem to resent rich people paying a premium to organics, so if there is less production, the rich can afford to pay more, but what about the rest?
Or are you also planning on selecting the people who are allowed to purchase that limited supply?
Catholics can starve, Baptists get to eat, tall people starve, shorties get to eat, men starve, women get to eat, Nigerians starve, Saudis get to eat.
Hey, you're on a roll, agstar!
Here sits agstar, legs crossed in yoga position, daisy in hand, "It's picking petals on a daisy...he eats, guess she doesn't, ... theys eats, guess thems donts...."
2. BRANDING is the CWB's hot new vision. You used the word. Branding.
3. Safety issue: You want to have a debate on the food safety issue? I thought the topic was Canadian Fair Trade.
I'm not afraid to wade into that debate, agstar, but I don't think this is the appropriate thread.
I will make one statement about it.
Ask any person in Canada this question:
"Do you prefer food grown with or without pesticides?"
For organics, the consumer, the eater, the food preparationist, the parent, all of them, are always right.
Listen to your consumer replies and quit being an obnoxious peer.