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    DId you not see my July 12 post on the CWB Wheat Storage Program?


    The wheat can be delivered into the 06-07 pricing system, or 07-08. A preferential delivery of and equal amount is offered. For instance, if 100t is offered to the storage program, the CWB will allow a 100t delivery authorisation... to help with the storage.

    A minimum of 80t is required to sign up to the program.

    Much better deal than we started with... now I think it better reflects the costs/risks involved with reasonable compensation!

    The CWB CAN learn... it is possible!"

    I was raked over the coals on this one by Benny and the crew earlier this spring!

    Can you honestly claim I am only a detractor and don't care about the CWB?


    I know I know... you just like to rub it in! Kind of reminds me of the Pravda Joke!

    A man recently returning from the west goes into an upscale restaurant in Poland and orders supper.
    He orders Borsht, a steak, ice cream, a coffee, and a copy of PRAVDA.
    The waiter takes the order and says he can't get a copy of the Pravda any more.

    The man eats his soup, as he finishes it, and the waiter asks if he wants his steak now. He says yes... but he really wanted a copy of the Pravda as well. The waiter tells him they don't publish it any more... the communist people that were there are no longer in power...so he can't have a copy of it, and gives him the steak!

    The man likes the steak, finishes it, and then calls the waiter over and asks for his desert, a coffee refill, and a copy of the Pravda. The Waiter is very frustrated about the Pravda paper and goes into great detail about how the politics have changed... and why there was no more publication of the Pravda paper... and then gives the man another coffee and his ice cream.

    As the man finishes his meal... the waiter comes over and asked how he enjoyed his meal. THe man is really enthusiastic... thanks the waiter for the great meal & service... but that he is still waiting for his copy of todays Pravda Paper!

    THe waiter is really frustrated by now. He asks Why do you keep on asking about this paper, and all the Communist people who ran it, and why don't you understand things have changed and there is no Pravda any more?...!

    THe man gives the waiter a $50US tip... and says... I just couldn't resist having you tell me about the demise of the Communists and the end of Pravda... over and over again! Each time you told me it sounded better and better... so I just couldn't resist hearing you say it over and over again!"


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