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Hows the Crop Doing?

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    Hows the Crop Doing?

    Just back from the farm surpised to see that the crops generally could use a drink south of the Quappelle Valley.

    HRS -9
    Peas -8
    oats -8
    Barley -8

    This is from East Central.

    Need rain soon! Within 4-5 days or yeilds will drop fast. Still holding on, nothin a ten anymore, 7-9. Heavy storms north west of B'fords last night. Radar looks ugly south-west of here tonight. Ron did you get that mess tonight?


      west central sask.
      drought/heat stress most noticeable in canola, loseing its bloom real fast . gone from 9 to a 7

      peas 80% podded have lost 1/2 the top bloom in a day or so. its doubtful any of top floweres would pod or fill.
      gone from a 10 to 8. I think , will need rain to fill existing pods.

      wheat we needed the heat because we seeded it last. sandy land showing stress, good land less so.
      from a 9.5 to a 9

      if we don't catch a shower or things really cool off, numbers will really drop next week


        I guess the same is true here if we don't get a rain real soon and I mean a decent rain not this 1/10 crap yield will start to drop. 10 day temp looks hot, light land is showing up.
        Simply I think Saskatchewan in general needs a Billion Dollar Rain.


          Got our half inch thundershower a couple nights ago just in time. We have plenty of subsoil moisture and the roots have gone down a bit which is a good thing.
          Wheat now 9 some weeds with cleavers growing so will have to do preharvest for sure.
          Peas are 10 just so long as the new variety that I grew stands up like it is supposed to.
          My canola is 8 or 9 , nieghbours is 10.
          Their invigor canola just looks awsome compared to my 1031 victory.


            South Central Manitoba
            Another day of showers/thunderstorms dumped anywhere from 2/10s- to 1 .5 inches in the immediate area.Heavy disease pressure on the wheat, both winter and spring wheat. Canola,Oats and corn all look excellent. Barley in general is poor in the area as it had to much rain in the seedling stage. In general an average crop,some good some bad.


              finally got our rain/hail (hand in hand this time of year) last night, 1.5 - 2in . Wheat, barley lodged and potholes full again. About 300ac canola, 150 peas, and 200 wheat got wacked by hail.


                No rain last two nights and the heat on the weekend comming up will do damage now. Sh-t could have used it.


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