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$3.50/bu barley

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    Burbert in the past I sold 100,000 bushels of barley for september delivery through the board on a guaranteed price. Problem I only had 1/3 the bushels off by mid sept. Problem solved the grain company took another farmers later delivery contract and I hauled later. If I would have had the bushels off and dry I could have delivered no problem.


      Feed barley story in today's emalt newsletter.

      North & South America: Malt stocks exhausted

      In North and South America malt stocks are also exhausted, the former one-month inventory, which was considered a must, has disappeared, analysts reported July 2. It is rumoured that the lack of malt could lead to temporary beer production stops in Brazil and Venezuela. No new malthouse construction is planned in the NAFTA countries, but Argentina will add malting capacities of min. 150.000 tons. In North America the construction of new malting factories has become so expensive, that maltsters say it is not worthwhile unless malting margins of US$ 200,- per ton can be achieved.

      World: Barley markets in June dominated by good crop prospects in North America and Australia

      Barley markets in June were dominated by good crop prospects in North America and Australia, the export quota system of the Ukraine and purchases of Saudi Arabia, according to analysts, July 2.

      International grain houses sold several cargoes of optional origin barley to S.Arabia at prices around and above US$ 300,- CIF. The Saudi government, however, did not react to higher markets, but left import subsidies and domestic prices unchanged at US$ 245,- CIF. It is reported that local stocks and arrivals of barley will be sufficient for a few months. Origins of the barley sales are the Northern EU, the Black Sea incl. Romania and Bulgaria, and it is rumoured, also Canada and China. ABB Grain of Australia concluded a five year LTA with United Feed of Saudi Arabia for min. 1 Mill. tons annually.


        European malt barley prices (French) - US $330 to $335/tonne for 2 row and about US $295/tonne for 6 row.


          Whoda thunk?


            Boy us Canuck farmers is a very smart lot! We've torn apart our market system, at the perfect time, grain shortages, prices are climbing. All on account of our smarts. It has nothing to do with the fact that canolie and spring wheat are king now in the West. Or is it wheat then canolie, or canolie, and canolie, and more canolie, clubroot, canolie, oh God GMO was supposed to solve everything. Alberta Ag to the rescue, phone 1-800-askanexpert for free advice about the farm. Use the new AAAAhhhhhhhh program to maximize profit. Yippeee. By the way snappy (or is it yappy) I don't farm in Flon, Flon, guess again smart boy!!!!!!!!!!!!


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