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Market Correction/Or just bad Information.

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    Market Correction/Or just bad Information.

    Yesterday the markets did an about face and the speculators and funds liquidated their positions. Why, All because the Us forecast changed from dry to rain, well 1/3 of that area received some.
    Then our experts in Canada (who only look out of the window in Winnipeg) are predicting a large crop.
    The heat that we have had last week and this are taking their toll on a large portion of Saskatchewan and Alberta.
    Oh yea Sask Ag and food didn't notice any problems last week either.
    My prediction for Canada is
    Manitoba a Bumper, Sask if heat keeps up another week Average at best, Alberta Average because of late seeding.
    Us is worse than their telling us.

    Canola in this area took a beating in those hot days last week.


      What area are you from?


        East of Calgary. Showers have been hit and miss. First we got drowned out and now heat blasted.


          Same here flooded in may and June and then the tap just ended. Today watched a storm build on Radar and about 5 miles from our yard it just disappeared.


            Do you have cloud seeding out there?


              Are you kidding???? In this province if a govt bureaucrat doesn't do it,it doesn't get done.Something novel like cloud seeding might benefit the rural area and the dippers cannot have that.They don't vote the right way you know.


                I have to agree, In Saskatchewan even if we have the lion share of farmland and Agriculture is a Billion Dollar industry, the NDP have no clue on anything Rural Related.
                Lorne Calvert use to do a Bus tour each year through Sask to Gauge the Public Pulse, Its canceled this year, Funny its an election year wouldn't you use a bus tour at that time.
                Oh the Rural would eat him up and spit him back out to Regina.
                But I digress, Any thing like that isn't happening here because after so many years of NO help from Droughts Floods or Frost, (Sask Crop insurance is the Countries Biggest Joke, Next to CASIP) Rural is in dire straits and if this crop does come off and prices continue most will get their heads above water to look at future endeavors but right now its basically survive. Simply why is a Quarter south of Regina only worth $144,000.00 on heavy gumbo yet Winnipeg its 240,000 and Alberta its 400,000.00 or pasture in Sask at $24,000.00 or less because the last 5 years with liberal lip service (Ralph Goodale) and Useless NDP Rural has been devastated.
                Any way No cloud seeding is happening here.


                  I think cloud seeding here only helps the poor city folk keep the hail off their cars. Thunderstorms fizzle out really quickly without any benefit of moisture for us further east.



                    I was talking to a guy who had a friend going to Calgary Sunday night.

                    South of Red Deer... he and his girl friend got hit on #2... with big ones!

                    She was screaming pretty good... they were the size of base balls, smashed the mirrors off the truck, broke the windows... a write off.

                    In that area I hear they didn't have that much crop damage, as they fell a foot apart, so from a distance the crops didn't look too bad!

                    In CHina I saw a program that they spend billions each year on cloud seeding... and have cannons set up around vegetable and green house farms... some thing like 20,000 people there employed in the industry!

                    They accuse each other of stealing the rain from a neighbour down wind...

                    Mostly done to prevent the hail... many more X storms over there than on the Canadian Praire!


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