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Why does someone have to be wrong?

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    I presume they would also agree with forced marriagess.



      parsley: I was going to say something nasty about forced marriage and you BUT I decided not to do so. I'm just not that nasty.

      However, I don't see the connection with CWB support and forced marriage. Perhaps you have a greater perception of the bizarre than I do.


        craig - Hopefully not putting words in your mouth but I seem to remember you talking about more effective contracting programs including cash pricing alternatives that are not related to the pricing pools. Will note the following press release from the CWB directors strategic planning meeting.

        Quote: CWB directors unanimously agree to renewed business relationship with farmers

        July 20, 2007

        Gimli, Manitoba - The CWB’s farmer-controlled board of directors decided at its annual strategic planning session to focus on creating more pricing and delivery options that meet Prairie farmers’ business needs. Directors also emerged from the July 18-19 session with a unanimous consensus to renew the CWB’s relationship with farmers and look for opportunities to add more value for farmers

        “We left politics at the door during this session,” said board chair Ken Ritter. “Instead, our focus was on making sure that farmers are the ones who benefit from any changes or enhancements in the way that the CWB operates.”

        The board of directors has asked CWB management to develop new pricing and delivery options to enhance farmers’ choices and to develop strategies that include consultations with farmers in designing programs that will best suit their business needs. Training and education on the programs will be part of the strategy."

        Maybe off topic (apologize) but is this taking us some way down the road where the thread started from? Hopefully more creative contracts than the rejected malt barley one announced today.


          Good comments Charlie. My concern is that the CWB needs strong input from producers who are not strong CWB supporters. In other words you don't ask the NDP to develop policy for the Conservative party. Time and time again the CWB response to marketing proposals is that they are not treated on equal footing with the pool accounts. The underlying theme is that you allow producers the management tools they need.If you never bring the opponents to the table you will never satisfy them.


            “We left politics at the door during this session,” said board chair Ken Ritter.

            Ah, but Ken here's the rub, at the cwb "politics" IS the door. It's also the windows, the desks, the carpet, the lights, the building, everything. They all exist because of the CWB ACT, a political creation.

            So Ken the only way cwb directors can leave politics at the door, is to exit the door.

            Now that's some real twadle.
            (“Instead, our focus was on making sure that farmers are the ones who benefit from any changes or enhancements in the way that the CWB operates.”)

            So Ken, are you saying that up until now your focus wasn't on making sure farmers benifited?

            I guess that makes perfect sense because the cwb's court action, if successful, will most definitely not benifit farmers.

            Note* read the following paragragh while invisioning Dana Carvey as the Church Lady.

            So if farmers weren't the focus of cwb changes, who could have possibly been the focus??? Hmmmm, I wonder, could it have beeeen SATAN, er, I mean THE WHEAT BOARD!


              craig, You might want to be a bit careful on this site, common sense can be a dangerous thing, get you name a pinko commie SOB. I agree with what you said about, all of us participating with the CWB and giving them advice regarding various policy issues. Ultimately however the elected directors are the ones that are held accountable by farmers at election time, just like our democratic system, holds politicos accountable. I've had nothing but co-operation over the years when dealing with the CWB, guess my problems haven't been as tough as those that the big guys face on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis, trying to be successful in angribusiness! The dog eat dog world of modern farming can be a bit of a challenge at times..... By the way keep up the good work, a voice of reason in a wilderness of anger, is refreshing!



                I am pleased you have begun to exercise restraint.

                This kind of self-discovery bodes well for choice supporters and the free enterprise system as it encourages discussion and co-operation, rather than force and patriarchal decision making.

                Societies based on forced participation, for example,forced marketing, forced/arranged marriages, forced production, etc. leave their citizenry wanting to escape, wanting a better annual income, wanting more choice, wanting change to mirroe free societies...the G8's

                Welcome to new discovery, wilagro.



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