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Why does someone have to be wrong?

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    Why does someone have to be wrong?

    Like many I'm getting tired of the CWB debate. Why do we continue to think that there are those that can be swayed by arguement in this debate. We are molded by our upbringing and in Western Canada we are strongly polarized by left and right wing politics. For many of us this is not going to change. While I have been one who is willing to support certain things in agriculture based on my experience, I am also the first to respect the right of each individual farmer to ultimately decide what is right for his or her business. We are all businessmen and the success of our farming operations is dependent on making more good than bad decisions. We are also dependant on developing good business relationships with the other businesses we work with. We by nature choose to work with those who share common ideals. Like many things in the world if what we are doing is not working we need to make changes or move on to something else. Instead of continually fighting and forcing on views on others we need to find a system where in the end we can concentrate on making our farming situation better.There is no doubt that we are involved in a risky business often with huge dollars at stake.We need to respect the right of each farmer to make the choices he feels are important and right for his own farm.

    good post

    our political stance, has such a huge bearing on how we preceieve things.
    while some of my pro wheatboard veiws are possibly flawed. as pointed out by some of the astute posters.

    You also get the commie hunters, that can take my post,about chem. co.s control of the regulatory system,(which allows them to extract extra 10s of thousands from every canadian farmer)
    (a gift from mulroney)
    and somehow try and blame their local co-op or a problem with arbritage for the ripoff.

    Blind . blind

    we do have blinders on , both sides, left and right.

    fight amongest ourselves

    and thru it all ,eventually , a quiet force a ,real commune--------------------ist force will prevail, the hutterites.
    survival of the fittest, left and right we eventually call the auctioner, but strangely i have never been to a hutterite auction.

    maybe instead of blameing each other for our woes, we should realize , we are being out smarted and out muscled by our competition.


      OH sing me a river, we have been doing it the Socialist way in Canada since the Great Depression and where has it got us as farmers. What once was a major contributor to the Canadian economy has turned to basket case. And why look at years of neglect and useless policies all the way back to Trudeau etc. Then Ralph and the liberals helped put the nail in the Coffin. Create Jobs off farm on back of farm those who can survive will in farming the rest will move to the cities and become labours.
      But where they had no influence Alberta and Quebec Farms prospered.
      I have been told over the years about all the things that I am doing wrong and that they know better. Well by going against their thinking have prospered and gained ground. Remember Ralph's idea was for farmers to plant trees.
      So is one side wrong or right simply we have seen the one side for way way to long and it doesn't work so why not try something new for a change. Remember a few (Farmers Union, /NDP/liberals) could kill the barley reform.


        I an with SK4 on this one.....with freedom to oeprate, which would include freedom to market and with better access to capital we can become more competitive.....in twenty years i have gone form one qtr to farming over 60 (needed off farm professional income to get me there), as big as a colony with a fraction of the manpower using technology and higher productivity.....i too went against the grain, zero tilled from the start when they said i was crazy, bought into cows big during bse, grow most crops not under control of the cwb......we are still under threat of losing market freedom becaus the Sk and MB prov govts along with the socialist leaning nfu and others are fighting the will of the majority of producers....losing sight of the other real challenges facing our industry, specially the transportation and logistic of grain and special crops and the high concentration of power in the meat industries and trade issues....this marketing this is horse&^%$ and we need to move on to other issues....


          Socialists should try to understand the following:

          "If your ideas are such that it takes force for you to impose them on your fellow man, there is something wrong with your ideas. If you are willing to use force to impose your ideas on your fellow man, there is something wrong with you."



            Good post Craig, unfortunately it was over the heads of some of the respondents, proving your blinkered comment was spot on. All the twadle about socialism and forcing your ideas on others - how is that any different to the guys who are trying to remove the wheatboard AGAINST the wishes of those who wish to retain it. Kettle and Black etc.


              Actually its apples and oranges. No one who wants a voluntary wheat board wants to put farmers who work together cooperatively in jail. That's the difference and its a big one.


                If you dont understand the difference between choosing to eliminate a compulsory single desk that jails all who dare go against it for choosing to market their own commodities to whom ever they want vs continueing with a single desk that a minortiy of farmers want to maintain because they feel they lack the skill to market their own crops on their own or through a voluntary pooling system you need to educate yourself more on the actual issue. Remember, the plebiscite told the cwb board of directors what their own surveys have been telling them for ten years only they have chosen to ignore those results whereas our federal government has chosen to act upon them.


                  There is such a thing as right and wrong, you cannot have one without the other. And the best one to determine what is right and wrong in their own lives is the individual.


                    Since grassfarmer does not grow any grain that is under the control of the cwb, I would hope that he would agree to a government imposed pricing and marketing board for the cattle raised on his farm.

                    This board would handle all of the sales for his cattle and they would then issue him a cheque for the return after their administration charges were taken off (and freight, cleaning, inspections, srm removal, etc...)-.

                    Of course there would be farmer elected representatives to sit on the board of directors, they may even be his neighbors, and he would have no problem in allowing them to decide what his cattle are worth, and to share all profits (or losses) with his cattle farming neighbors (no matter how big or small). He would never take up issue with his board of directors just as he would never question the current board members of ABP or CCA, because they are elected by other farmers also.



                      I've seen and admired the farms that farmers have built, custom designed according to his individual dream.

                      And I've also seen the farms built by the the farmer with little say, often in a family relationship where the patriarch simply will not let go of the reins. Usually friction abounds.

                      Being ones own boss, building ones own dream bears fruit, otherwise unattainable.

                      Forced participation NEVER yields what the sheer joy of being a happy articipant can accomplish.

                      If you think otherwise, grassfarmer, you are not in tune with the world around you.



                        and the strongest farms or businesse I've seen have been the ones that can bring together a number of people sharing a vision. When an interdependence occurs each person is respected and has a place.

                        How many have stacked small square bales by themselves. One person comes to help and three times as much gets done.

                        So does someone have to be wrong? It is wrong to force your will on some one else.



                          I agree that co-operation and interdependence can make a good operation, or system into a formidable one.

                          And I also agree it is because you want to. Force is the factor that has place on the road to long-term success.



                            that should read :

                            force has NO place.


                              Forced that is the common thing that CWB supporters want to do. And those that want out are being forced by a few to stay in. Then their is the Law that you have to sell YOUR product to the CWB.
                              Forced, Vs Freedom to do what you want.
                              NDP Liberals VS all others.
                              Why does someone have to be Wrong?
                              They don't but a few are forcing their ways on rest, and that is the problem.


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