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    The temp in weyburn is 41 degrees(not including humidex)
    The old record was 35.
    Good thing global warming is a hoax.I would hate to have to get use to this.

    What year was the old record?

    Where were both temps recorded?

    Was the recording station then surrounded by asphalt like it is today at the airport?


      I believe Australia is setting cold records right now are they not?


        Once again the simplistic pretense that "global warming" can only ever mean temperatures increasing is used in a weak attempt to deny it's existence. Obviously it doesn't mean that - if you read anything about it you would know that the predicted result of "global warming" is a gradual warming resulting in wild fluctuations in weather and temperature patterns. Perhaps "global warming" was a poor choice of term - if it was called "global weather catastrophe" it would elicit more more respect.


          it was too good to be true.

          crops have taken a beating the last few days

          peas are burning down , have lost 1 foot in height in 2 days, was thinking 50-60 bushell now am hopeing to maintian mid 40s

          canola looked like 38-48 now i think we will be lucky to maintain 30

          the scary one is my winter wheat, its on lighter land. looked great a week ago , now it seems to be dieing instead of filling. the whole plant turning white.

          the spring wheat (no till) seems to be fairing a little better than the neighbours conventional till.
          the no till might have bought me 3 or 4 days but it could all look the same in a week . just like the winter wheat.

          barley is mostly there
          peas are about the same
          canola potential to lose another 10 bushell/acre
          the wheat is make or break this week.
          40-50 bushell with a rain 25 without.

          if its doing that here it really has to be burning up the south


            Farmers here in Central Sask are hoping for that rain tonight. Hell I am hoping for a hail storm even as I don't have hail insurance. Likely extra rain with hail will still be better than no rain. Our crops have held on but the forecast for the next week on mysask show 0 percent moisture.
            Anyone getting any moisture? I worked through the few rain drops we got here this evening and didn't get wet other than from my sweat.


              SE Sask

              Beat a path through the crop today with the Rhino(Yamaha) and hit sloughs in the middle of the field, scheesh!

              Seems to be standing water in spots I've never experienced before. Good thing I drive full tilt.Crops seem to be holding their own for now.

              BTW, melville,I liked the Ranger so much on that northern Alberta trip, that the nephew bought a brand new Rhino, hauled it down and presented it as a gift!



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