Some one see if their is a way to purchase Direct from Bell Plain. Either using a US fert Dealer and Canadian Pick up. He gets volume farmer gets the benefit.
Why do we have to eat the mistakes of Fert Companies. Why is fert cheaper in USA than in Sask.
I mean if I hear that commercial for Sask Potash about food shortages and their here to help farmers feed the world BS I am going to loose it. They might have their head office in Canada but the useless tool who is their CEO lives in Chicago.
Why do we have to eat the mistakes of Fert Companies. Why is fert cheaper in USA than in Sask.
I mean if I hear that commercial for Sask Potash about food shortages and their here to help farmers feed the world BS I am going to loose it. They might have their head office in Canada but the useless tool who is their CEO lives in Chicago.