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Speech from the Throne and CWB

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    Speech from the Throne and CWB

    Dear Charlie,

    I note this was in the Speech from the throne Nov. 19/08:

    "Our Government will continue to support Canada’s farmers by

    ensuring freedom of choice for grain marketing in Western

    Canada and strongly supporting our supply-managed sectors at

    home and in international negotiations." (Page 7)

    Below is the policy that was passed by a majority of both members and provinces at the Conservative Party of Canada convention in Winnipeg last Friday:

    Conservative Party Convention 2008


    97. "Canadian Wheat Board

    A Conservative Government will give farmers the freedom to make their own
    marketing and transportation decisions and to direct, structure, and to voluntarily participate in producer organizations."

    The word 'individual' was added to strengthen the resolve of our government to deal with this CWB problem.

    Tom4CWB looking quite stately!<a href=”http://www.parsleysnotebook.blogspot.com/”target=”blank”> Click Here to Visit Parsley’s Notebook Blog to Read More. </a>


      more chance of getting rid of the cwb if the conservatives were committed to preserving it!


        Yeah, also dedicated to preserving supply management for their buddies down east.


          It's better to hear these things in the throne speech rather than not hearing them. Now if they can actually get around to doing it this time, that's the real question.


            Perhaps puts more pressure on the CWB director elections.

            If status quo/single desk candidate, what changes need to occur in the CWB programs and risk management strategies to make it a viable alternative in a changing world? Not the nuts and bolts of change but the vision.

            If open market, how will the CWB operate or perhaps more important, what services/products will it offer the market place?

            For both groups, what is the CWB go forward if barley is removed on August 1? I assume regardless of where the directors stand on single desk, there will be a lot of work in designing more effective programs for farmers as individual businesses and the CWB as a corporate entity.



              Time to quit asking the same questions over and over. And there are no new ones. After 50 years they've all been asked. We've been through this a million times if we've been through it once.

              We'll never get anywhere if we don't move forward. Wheel spinning, navel gazing, talking, cajoling, it gets us precisely nowhere. Time for ALL governments (AB included) to take charge and move. Studies, reports, consultations, plebliscite - we're done with all that. ACTION. NOW PLEASE.

              Here's the answers to the questions,

              and its been 2 bloody years ago since they were provided to the Feds and the rest of us. It's the best thing we've got, and it answers the questions. AND, for those stuck in the past, if this doesn't get done, the CWB will be lost.

              LETS MOVE ON -


                Maybe its time to look at who is advising the Feds...

                Cleary the message is being lost somewhere...


                  So who is?


                    Of all people asking the question......



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