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CWB and the C.D. Howe Study

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    The Honourable Honorable Garry Breitkreuz on Property Rights

    Dear Fellow Farmers, Farmers, you either own what you grow or someone else does. Farmers have often had someone else lurking in the background, deciding where agriculture should "go". Planning for us. Strategizing, scheming, calculating, organizing, manipulating and directing what path our farms should follow, according to some scratched-together divine plan thought up at midnight by some clever schemer. Farmers must make it clear we own our farms. Own our grain. Own the direction we want to go. And we must make sure our ownership foundation is firm. Property rights. Garry Breitkreuz. They are synonymous. The one MP who has been consistent and persistent about strengthening the farmer's property rights is Garry Breitkreuz. His dedication can be found on: http://www.garrybreitkreuz.com/issues/property.htm Pars<a href=”http://www.parsleysnotebook.blogspot.com/”target=”blank”> Click Here to Visit Parsley’s Notebook Blog to Read More. </a>


      MP Ted Menzies Reminds DA CWB Legislative Changes Will Occur
      http://www.discoverfoothills.com/index.php?option=com_ezine&task=read&page=14&categ ory=35&article=7580&Itemid=257

      Can't you just hear Macleod MP Ted Menzies saying that while legislation is ready to be put forward to remove barley from single desk selling, farmers have the chance to have their voices heard at the board level . I can. The Conservative Government was elected on choice. It's an election promise, and they plan to follow through. Kinda like bringing in the Canadian flag. You were either going to fly it or not, but it happened. Sift through the CWB Director candidates and see which ones are the mules. They won't be much good for anything at the Board table other than being ornery. Pars
      <a href=”http://www.parsleysnotebook.blogspot.com/”target=”blank”> Click Here to Visit Parsley’s Notebook Blog to Read More. </a>


        Near-Issueless McKague Has Two Left Feet
        Right about now, some of the wanna-be-CWB directors and some of the incumbent directors are probably trying out waltzing together, nudging, and snuggling, and dipping, ....er, positioning is a better word. Who's vying for committee work, or the chairmanship, or who's eyeing tripping the light fantatsic all the way to the WTO each year, first class; my my, a waltzing Matilda is certainly going to want to support her man in case she gets to go along. Both choicers and single-desk factions will be feeling each other out, so to speak. Are there any flashy newcomers ?

        I checked out CWB Director hopeful Lonny McKague's website thoroughly today; he's from Southeast Saskatchewan. One issue he has focused on is Administration Costs. I like that. But there is little else but his wish. He doesn't say what the present Admin budget is, or whether he's like to take it downwards by say, 25%, or he doesn't say what area he would cut back, (for instance, dump the weather station), and he doesn't say what it compares like to other years. And I can't ask him. Has he contact numbers or emails on his website? I missed them if he does, or maybe he doesn't want calls. But, come to think of it, a guy I know gave McKague's email to this other guy I know, and that guy gave it to his wife's best friend's cousin's uncle, so I hope it works when I send McKague a link. I'll sell it to anyone for a tooney. Parsley<a href=”http://www.parsleysnotebook.blogspot.com/”target=”blank”> Click Here to Visit Parsley’s Notebook Blog to Read More. </a>


          Too much in a hurry.[url="http://www.parsleysnotebook.blogspot.com/"] Click Here to Visit Parsley’s Notebook Blog to Read More.[/url]


            CWB District # 8
            It will be interesting to see how many farmers come out to vote in CWB Director's District # 8, with less than 7,000 eligible voters, where the incumbent, Rod Flaman lost his bid to win a Liberal MP seat in Ottawa a mere few days before the applications for CWB candidacy closed.

            Racing to run didn't faze Flaman, though, and a few 'sleeps and dreams' later, he put in his nomination papers to run for a CWB Director's seat for another term. So far, he's running as a single-desk candidate, but there is still a bit of time left before the voter polls close, for him to to calculate what constituency polling reflects. If he succumbs to a marketing-attitude adjustment, it would be no surprise to some farmers if his precedent is any indication of the possibility of things to come.

            If Flaman wins, it'll probably be because there are so many cattlemen in Southeast Saskatchewan who do not receive CWB ballots, nor have in the past mustered the enthusiasm needed to actually apply for one; Schnell will be lucky if one hundred cowboys make the effort to apply for a ballot vote to support him. Schnell has the ability and experience to bring warring tribes of farmers together, a fractured group we are, whereas, a Flaman win will, without doubt, fuel the producer thinktanks fighting any change at all. At the same time, a Flaman win would end up igniting even more and more invading torches of ideas, ideas of choice, ideas of farmers owning their grain, hard ideas to snuff out, each one held higher, each one shining brighter, as each producer brings their light of choice to the end of the seventy year old tunnel. Schnell can make peace. And peace means concentrating on wealth creation, not fighting amongst ourselves. Pars<a href=”http://www.parsleysnotebook.blogspot.com/”target=”blank”> Click Here to Visit Parsley’s Notebook Blog to Read More. </a>


              Flour Mills in Manitoba in 1947 before the CWB Swallowed the Milling Industry
              Where have all the flowermills gone?

              Long time passing.

              Altoana Milling Co. Ltd. Altona

              Ellison Grist Mill Tuelon

              Gardenton Milling Co. Gardenton

              Harrison Milling and Grain Co.. Holmfield

              Ho11and Flour Mills Hollan

              Huron Hutterian Mutual Corpn. Benard

              Kent Flour Mills. B. P. Virden

              Maxwell.Hutterian Mutual Corpn. Pigeon Lake

              Morris Milling Co.. Ltd. Morris

              North Eastern Flour Mills Ltd. Beausejour

              North West Flour Mills Fisher Branch

              Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd Winnipeg

              Pine River Flour Mill Pine River

              Purity Flour Mills Ltd. St. Boniface

              Roblin Flour Mill Roblin

              Sandy Lake Flour Mill Sandy Lake

              Sifton Flour Mills Siftton

              Simpson Flour Mills Benito

              Somerset Flour Mills Somerset

              Soo Lines Mills Ltd. Winnipeg

              Steinbach F1our Mills Steinbach

              Turtle Mountain Flour Mills Deloraine

              Wawanesa Flour Mills Wawanesa

              Winkler Milling Co. Ltd. Wink1er

              Would you like freshly ground flour in your community these days? Uh huh. Well, go get the boat full of CWB wheat stranded in Sri Lanka, you dumb yasses


                Flour Mills in Saskatchewan in 1947 before the CWB Swallowed the Milling Industry
                Where have all the flourmills gone?

                Long time passing.


                Assiniboia Flour Mills Assiniboia

                Battleford Milling Co.. Battleford

                Battleford Milling Co. Battleford

                Canada West Grain Co. Ltd. Melfort

                Central Saskatchewan Flour Mills Ltd. Wakaw

                Consumers Co-operative Mills Ltd. Outlook

                Esterhazy Flour Mill Esterhazy

                Estevan Flour Mill Estevan

                Foam Lake Flour Mills Foam Lake

                Gravelbourg Flour and Feed Gravelbourg

                Hub City Flour Mill Saskatoon

                Kamsack Flour Mill Kamsack

                Kayville Flour Mills Kayville

                McNab Flour Mills . Ltd. Humboldt'

                Melville Milling Co. Melville

                National Flour Mills Ltd. MooseJaw

                Prairie Milling Co.Ltd. Herbert

                Prairie Milling Co.Ltd. Tompkins

                Quaker Oat. Co.. of Canada Ltd. Saskatoon

                Redberry Food Product Ltd. 8askatoon

                Regina Flour Mill Regina

                Robin Hood Flour Mills Ltd. MooseJaw

                Robin Hood Flour Mills Ltd Saskatoon

                Sunrise Milling Co.Biggar

                Swift Current Flour Mills Ltd. Shaunavon

                Swift Current Flour Mills Ltd. Swift Current

                Union Supply Co. Ltd. Rosthern

                Unity Flour Mills Unity

                Waskesiu Mills Ltd. Prince Albert

                Weyburn Flour Mills Ltd. Weyburn

                Wynyard Flour Mill Wynyard

                Yorkton Milling Co.Ltd. Yorkton

                Viscount Flour & Feed Mills Viscount

                And then with their 1947 legislation, the CWB began de-value adding....... Pars


                  Count the Flour Mills Yourself .....Don't Count on the CWB

                  There are 19 wheat flour mills in Western Canada in 2008
                  Manitoba has 4
                  Saskatchewan has 5
                  Alberta 6
                  B.C. has 4
                  No wonder you've been choking on the CWB's value-added-rejection coffee, David Schnell. You'd better win the CWB Director's seat, or else DA farmers will be singing, "And then there was ONE." Parsley


                    Ask the CWB: Is WTO an International Organization or a PTA?

                    From the CWB Act:
                    Expenses in relation to international wheat marketing organizations
                    "33.(4) Expenses incurred by the Corporation with respect to any international organization for the purposes of marketing wheat and the expenses of any commissioner or officer of the Corporation of and incidental to attendance at meetings of that international organization or any committee thereof shall be deemed to be expenses incurred in connection with the operations of the Corporation within the meaning of this section, but nothing in this subsection shall be construed as authorizing the payment by the Corporation of any contributions required to be paid by Canada to or in support of that international organization or any committee thereof. "

                    And DA farmers are footing the bill........uh....... because ? ..........? Huh? Parsley


                      If Quebec Requires CWB Licenses, Why is DA Western Farmers Paying for them?

                      37th PARLIAMENT, 1st SESSION
                      Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food

                      Thursday, June 6, 2002


                      Mrs. Rose-Marie Ur (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex, Lib.): I have just a couple of quick questions. Just for information, do producers in Ontario still have to apply to the Canadian Wheat Board for export licences? Pars

                      Mr. Jim Thompson: If they are exporting their grain out of Canada they have to apply to the Canadian Wheat Board for an export licence.

                      Mrs. Rose-Marie Ur: In Quebec, is it just granted that they don't have to do this?

                      Mr. Jim Thompson: No. Quebec, the Atlantic provinces, any regions outside the designated area require an export licence to export grain from Canada.

                      Mrs. Rose-Marie Ur: So why don't producers in Quebec have to apply?

                      Mr. Jim Thompson: They do have to. A producer in Quebec would have to apply, yes.

                      Mrs. Rose-Marie Ur: I was given information here that the CWB has decided it would no longer require producers in Quebec to obtain an export licence. So that's not true, then?

                      Mr. Jim Thompson: That's not correct, no. They do require an export licence to export wheat and barley, and the products thereof, from Canada.

                      Mrs. Rose-Marie Ur: The question went on to ask that if Quebec doesn't have to have an export licence, why does Saskatchewan have to have it? Why do Saskatchewan producers not have that option unless they have the buyback?

                      Mr. Jim Thompson: No, it doesn't say that. Under the act, export licences are required for the export of wheat and barley and products thereof from all regions of Canada.

                      Mrs. Rose-Marie Ur: Right.


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