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CWB and the C.D. Howe Study

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    Who Pays National Canadian Wheat Board Licensing Costs?

    Edited Committee Evidence * AGRI * Number 065 (Official Version)
    06/11/2001 9:08 AM

    Mr. Howard Hilstrom: Sure they make money. They've got a monopoly of acquiring it and this is an interesting thing that Neil brought out, that for some farmers they get back as much as 110%, under this famous pooling system and that obviously you've taken 10% ITom somebody else to give to that person just because of the bureaucratic system.You can answer that, this is my last question.

    How come Ontario and the rest of Canada and B.C. do not want to be involved with the Canadian Wheat Board and have them do their marketing? And also you can cover at the same time, who is paying the fees for the manufactured feed, the seed growers for all these export permits? Who is paying those fees? Is it not the pooling system because that's the only money you guys get? I'll let you answer those questions.

    Mr. Ken Ritter: Sir, we have jurisdiction, Mr. Hilstrom, through the chair, over grain produced in the designated area and that's our jurisdiction. So there's a difference between that and Ontario and the Maritimes and so forth. The fees that are involved with the granting of an export licence, I'll refer that over to Jim, but my lmowledge is that, you lmow, it's very, very minimal, and it is a requirement under the legislation that we do that.

    Mr. Howard Hilstrom: Who pays it?
    Mr. Ken Ritter: Pardon?
    Mr. Howard Hilstrom: Who pays those fees?
    Mr. Ken Ritter: Well, it comes out of the general pooling account­
    Mr. Howard Hilstrom: Right.

    Designated Area farmers ONLY, pay the national licensing costs. It is supposed to be the Federal Government who pays the costs of national licensing. Q Do you really think Parliament would make Western farmers pay the licenisng costs of exporting an Eastern miller's flour, and then put it into legislation ? Think about it twice. Now a third time.

    NO. But we're still paying. Pars.


      Give up silverback? I'll bet you're glad I'm not so much on AV thses days! lol Pars


        This is for you cott, lol, copied from from PN:


        A friend who is an avid reader, enthusiastically wrote to me about his coming across fematoseconds. They are a billion trillionth of second, which is a very very short time.

        And then he imagined the notion what if there are beings living on earth with us who " who live as though fematoseconds are like our seconds...in which case entire Fematofolk lives are lived in much less than the flickering of your eyelid," putting the notion out there. Well, that made me blink. You'd have to know him to understand his cleverness.

        And then he went on to add, "In fact you sitting at your desk reading this are a statue in their world, never moving (hard to imagine Carol stationary through countless generations of Fematofolk, but she is). You would be like...a rock...almost eternally at that desk! Now wouldn`t that make a good novel, partly written from the point of view of you getting to the desk, and partly written from the point of view of Fematofolk family growing up around you sitting there always? What a concept!

        Sounds like he should be writing the novels. Pars


          Parsley , I want more choice

          If I wanted to read you and only you I would go to your website

          So quit being the Dominatrix and let other people on this thread..


            Oh mustardman, you're confusing me with the other websites you frequently visit. LOL They tickle your fancy, do they? lol

            Actually Mustard, Joe Dales invited me to post all my entries on both PN and AV Comm Mktg, as well as some some of the other forums as well, although I have only taken the liberty of posting a number of them today, because I particulary thought silver would enjoy a few of them. But now that I know it annoys you, I should try and make time to post every one of them. lol

            The good thing is this, mustard, you have the choice NOT to click on this thread, right? You can click or not click. Choice. Yes. No. Sigh. You'll never understand the concept. perhaps there is sometimes an ever increasing scabby thickness in the cranial area that prevents comprehension cells from fully developing. You might try getting the CWB to do an inhouse study. Pars.


              Profound enough to keep me from knowing if it is a hack or a compliment.


                GoOd redding. Tnahks.

                pRobem is thet the boorbon sugesstion wus alsoo gud.


                  Jeez,a definite compliment, cott,I forgot you are dumb about some things. lol. And silver, if you keep pouring the bourbon on your arms throughout the evening, "I have a bit of rhematiz," and then lick it off when you're watching TV, no one notices you've polished off the entire bottle. Dinner guests leave early, though. LOL Pars.


                    And somedays i am that rock.


                      Parsley the "ever increasing scabby thickness in the cranial region that prevents comprehension cells from fully developing " , how long since you became aware of your problem ?

                      The rest of us have noticed it for quite some but didn't have the heart to tell you. LOL


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