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    What I'm saying is that both the Dems and the Republicans are using the same playbook on this and not only are they both getting it wrong they are both to blame for making things worse.



      seeing into the future is sometimes hard,but profitable.

      Its been a long four years.

      Why did wheat hit 20 bucks?


        hey cotton, this is the first time i've posted on this board. I've been a reader for about two years now and value your input into the commodities. What are your views on where grain/oilseed prices are going in the next 2-8 months, and the next two years. It seems the scare is on now to sell grain on fears of a bad recession and further downward spiral of prices. If everybody is hanging on in hopes of better prices in the spring even though most producers in the prairies just had a bumper year, doesn't everybody see the squeeze that the market is going to put on producers, or is the market senseless to what the prairie producers have? What have you done that 99% of producers haven't done/prepared for?? Do you believe we will see $20 wheat and canola again this spring...or did i miss the boat?



          "Why did wheat hit 20 bucks?"

          Because the Japanese were short... and bid wheat up to suck out the last of the DNS before new crop... last spring. They bid out the extra seed with that price.

          Once it was assured everything was bought... that could be bought... they dropped the bids.

          What possible reason would there be for them to need to do the same... this year... other than the US $$$ colapsing to 10% (pick a number) of its value today!

          There is tons of grain this year... in the EU/CA/AU/US/Brazil/FSU.

          3rd world counties are going into a reserve crisis... just like GM/FORD/CRY.

          If the US hadn't issued billins in export credit programs... where would grain prices be right now? DOWN 30% more?


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