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Pivotal junkture!!

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    Pivotal junkture!!

    After thursday, and breaking old lows in the S&P, and Dow etc etc, did anyone else notice how we reversed on friday?? And the grains held strong. I still believe we are due for a decent turn around rally, and it has to happen before the end of Nov. If we can get the Equity's to gain some solid ground, the grains will go.

    US dollar is screwed.
    Cotton looks great.
    The Canadian buck will soar.
    ADM looks great.
    Agco, and Deere look great.
    Caterpillar looks great.

    Momentum is changing, hopefully this is start of it tonight!!


    So you believe "Topic: Is the worst over?"???

    BLACK Oil has stopped dropping?

    WHAT is your logic on Black Oil?

    If it (oil)has not bottomed... what why would grains be at a bottom?


      If oil has not bottomed, then grains will not have found a bottom.

      Why do I think Crude has bottomed??

      Simple......History, and I don't feel we will rewrite it.

      I think the scare has finally hit the American people, and when everyone is afraid of a market time and time again, we then are very close to a bottom.

      And you can't argue with fridays reversal.



        there goes the us dollar! now the question is how will the canadian$ fare in comparison. will investors not american have to short the us dollar to realize real appreciation or will the inflation from the collapse of america be widespread? schiff says gold to 2000 and the american dollar index to 20-40. only time will tell if he's a genius or just smart. lately the canadian dollar has been moving in the same direction as euro or pound.


        i don't know if i put this link on before but celente speaks as though the us will be much less influential which could mean other countries will not be along for the full ride. i believe we'll all suffer but in somewhat different ways.


          Gold is giving us the green light!
          YEE HAAA


            Here's what fund manager Jim Rogers has to say about the future of Agriculture in Canada:

            "At the recent annual CFA awards dinner in Toronto [Rogers] told the assembled crowd of fund managers and investment bankers to, "sell your houses, move to Saskatchewan, buy a tractor and some farmland, and start farming". His belief in the Western Canadian agriculture story is so strong that he recently joined the advisory board of a Calgary based farmland investment fund - Agcapita Farmland Investment Partnership."

            Do the posters on this site agree or disagree with his recommendation?


              The time to get in may be soon as land, fert and rents will soften before spring. Land may seem to be cheaper here in Sask but buyer beware. We have the highest freight rates, lowest crop insurance coverage and highest weather variability anywhere in Canada bar none.
              As well as seen recently, we are the last people on earth to get cheaper fert.
              A few years ago Southern Alberta was paying $4/bus barley, and the best here was maybe $3, just something to keep in mind.
              I agree that the future may hold better things for ag, but do not get fooled by lower land prices - there is a reason.


                The biggest reason, furrow, got defeated in the last election.

                Policial climate rules all.Pars


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