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MP Letter

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    MP Letter

    Has anybody heard anything about this? Is it true? If so, the feds need a cuff upside the head for the dumbest PR move of the campaign. Don't they have a clue how the average middle-of-the-road Joe thinks about the CWB? It might get a few folks off their butts to vote, but it won't be for the choice side. Don't get me wrong. I'd like to see the end of the monopoly, but this is a really stupid move by the feds. Hopefully it's too late to make a difference.

    CWB Chair Decries Attempts to Influence Director Elections
    November 27, 2008

    Winnipeg – Larry Hill, chair of the CWB’s farmer-controlled board of directors, today released the following statement regarding letters sent by Members of Parliament that urged farmers to vote for specific candidates in the CWB director elections. The letters, on House of Commons letterhead, were sent to farmers by several Prairie MPs, including David Anderson, Parliamentary Secretary for the Canadian Wheat Board.

    “It is very disappointing that Mr. Anderson and other MPs have chosen to interfere in the democratic process of western Canadian grain producers who are currently voting in director elections.

    “The CWB is committed to neutrality in this election process because we believe that farmers should determine who represents them at our board table. It is reasonable to expect representatives of the federal government to take the same approach, refrain from attempting to influence the outcome and respect farmers’ ability to choose for themselves.

    “The CWB is farmers’ marketing organization and only farmers should determine its future. I urge all grain growers to mail in their ballots before the end of day tomorrow, November 28, when the election period officially ends.”

    Couldn't head them off. Give a thanks to the "Western Advisor" Weber was talking about. The bastard should be hung. Pars


      On the other hand, I should add, that as of Tuesday, quite a few of Toews' signs with CWB branding, (if the branding is worth as much as the CWB claims it is, remains standing.)

      So both big dogs are in there. Voters need to throw a pail of cold water on both of them. Pars


        Fair enough, but I don't think a logo is a big deal to most of the folks that aren't camped at either end of the debate. Using govt resources to sway voters will get those same people mad.


          WE got a letter from crowfoot mp Kevin Sorenson paid for by taxpayers.I thought the voters list was confidential. If the letter was sent urging to vote ok but to recommend who tovote for is totally brainless IMHO.


            It's okay to break privacy laws as long as you are:

            a.) A Member of Parliament for the Conservative Party of Canada


            b.) Not a member of the Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party of Canada, or the Bloc Quebecois.

            I hope this was informative. If this is not in the Privacy Act yet, it likely will be very soon.


              Still want to defend David Anderson? If nothing else , he's incompetent.



                And what did you say when Goodale jailed farmers? Scheming from the backrooms along with the CWB. Or do you deem that competent?

                Goodale started out with the Western Grain Markleting Panel which he deserted. At least Anderson is sticking to what he believes in. That's a olus.

                At least the Cons were up front. They signed public letters and signed their names. For the world to see. The constituency simply could have demon-dialed everyone.Pars


                  We never got one.

                  Anybody care to post a copy of what the letter actually says ?


                    I think everyone should take a Valium. So David Anderson and some of our Alberta MP’s sent a letter to some farmers. Who said anything about the voters list other than those trying to score political points? Think about it, do you really think they need the voters list? Would an MP’s office not have a list of farmers in their ridings? You bet they do. One of their jobs is to correspond with constituents. No need for the CWB voters list here guys.

                    This may not have been the smartest move on the part of the MP’s involved, but lets face it, the CWB is political. Why else do Wayne Easter and Pat Martin blow a gasket every second day over it? David Anderson and the rural MP’s have farmers in their districts who are forced to deal with the monster. Last time I checked Wayne Easter and Pat Martin don’t represent anybody in the designated area. They ought to keep their noses out and their mouths shut.

                    Solution: Make the CWB voluntary, farmer owned, and operated. Cut all government ties.

                    Result: An end to the political scrap over the CWB. Controversy will be settled internally. Accountability will be built in. Business decisions instead of political ones.

                    The sun will rise in the east. We can get on with life - and running the farm.


                      And the MP's got some not so smart advice. Again. Pars


                        “The CWB is committed to neutrality (yeah right and A&W is committed to a fine dinning experience) in this election process because we believe that farmers should determine who represents them at our board table.(So don't talk to them, don't encourage them to vote, don't offer any information whatsoever that might help them in their decision making, just leave them sifting through the ether because the only good farmer is an ignorant farmer) It is reasonable to expect representatives of the federal government to take the same approach, refrain from attempting to influence the outcome and respect farmers’ ability to choose for themselves.(Uhm no, the feds have every right to try and influence who their partners are at the cwb board table, their the ones backstopping the organization, their the ones who have to deal with all the negative crap that originates from that board table, their the ones who must enforce the gawd awful monopoly with punitive restrictions and fines and prison terms to enforce those restrictions, their the onews this friggin board takes to court on a semi-annual basis, so no, the feds have every right to be involved and should stay there until such time as the feds aren't involved either by gaurantees or by the federal customs and revenue agencies or the federal prosecutors that are needed to maintain the monopoly.)

                        “The CWB is farmers’ marketing organization (see above)and only farmers should determine its future. I urge all grain growers to mail in their ballots before the end of day tomorrow, November 28, when the election period officially ends.”


                          Just to poke at a scab, does that mean that it's ok for the feds to change things up at the board because they pay the bills when there is a shortfall? I realize the libs and dippers don't have any western rural seats but by that same logic, if there is a coalition government, Ralph Goodale or Pat Martin can make whatever changes they want? I certainly hope not. Or is it only if the govt agrees with your position that it can meddle with the CWB?

                          Again, my basic position is that the sooner the monopoly is gone, the better. I'm just askin'



                            The CWB is an instrument of Government. It was for Goodale, it was for Ritz and it will be for Easter. Pars


                              That last line was the scariest. Sell your canola and peas now, before it's too late.


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