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Clean up Ottawa!

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    Clean up Ottawa!

    Funny Conservatives get their money from the little guy and the business man, Liberals (wealthy Artist), block(Separatists), NDP (Unions) get a huge portion. Yet today the Conservatives are going to cut all funding to Political parties. The Liberals, Block, NDP are going to bring down the government over this. Conservatives are bad because every day Joe supports them, Yet the ones with a political agenda need Fed govt help to change peoples mind and push through their agenda. Wow I hope all people wake up and throw the Liberals, NDP and Block in the toilet this time.

    Friom a Bloc point of view, they are forced to continue to bank federal funding or else they are kaput, so may as well try to head it off and make it a confidence motion. They have nothing to lose. Where else would they get money to destroy a nation? Pars


      Where's Joe the Plumber when you need him. Joe are you out there?


        he's just wrapping up his book. it's supposed to be out by dec. 1.


          If they call an election , we should kick everyone of the elected M.P. s out and start all over.


            I think the Liberals and NDP aren't even on the same page as 70% of Canadians, they will get a big surprise, Money to prop them up from all of us to keep their phony baloney jobs. Liberals are Bankrupt yet they want to run Canada. The NDP are financed by Labour which takes money from workers. The block lives off their subsidy.
            This is going to get interesting.


              You bet Sask,it will get super interesting. If the Cons want to win this game, they have to be fully satisfied and prepared to lose all. All. It's the only way to win.

              MP's wrapped up in their security blankeys lose because they're scared to lose, and therefore will lose it for the rest

              And the Bloc have two blankeys per MP,.... federal and provincial. They cannot afford to lose. Neither can the cons. But the Bloc don't have national interests at heart, which is why the Cons can win if they don't blink.
              A dandy game. pars


                Guess what? Cluck, Cluck!


                  I posted the following yesterday on of of the Maclean's blogs, there are lots and lots of lefty moonbat head explosions going on over there,

                  This move by Harper is just so wonderfully poetic. Instead of whirling flashing lights and bells and sirens to announce the political jackpot, we have the hyperventilating hyper-indignant howls of the political opposition with as much bile laced splatter that can be possibly conjured up.

                  “Attack on Democracy”, sheesh, what a load of crap. I don’t want anything to do with your version of democracy if you think it is so weak, so inept, so utterly useless it is incapable of surviving the repeal of a $1.95 per vote subsidy.

                  In fact this will strengthen democracy. It places the power back where it belongs with the citizens who care enough to speak up and demand that if you want my $10 bucks or $20 bucks, you damn well better shut up for ten minutes and let me speak my mind and let you know what I think about where this country is going. And if I think you ideas or what you stand for don’t jive with me I can show you the door.

                  This is good.


                    I like your style, AG, lol Well, you know I'm always up for a challenge. And I usually play fair. And I claim I'm a fairly good loser until you view the sepulchre.


                      And Adam has it dead on.

                      Any Canadian citizen still conscious, is fed up with handing money over to politicians so they can reproduce their term.

                      cluck, cluck, indeed.


                        Nobody in the media is talking about this just yet, because their still busy wiping all the lefty vomit splatter up,

                        but even if Harper yanks this so it won't be voted on, his main goal is already accomplished.

                        No matter what there will be an election within 12 months and especially if Larry Curly and Moe convince the the GG to try and let them form a coalition, there will be one within 3 months. But that will never happen, a dozen or more of the least nutty opposition members will cross the floor instead of drinking Jim Jones's suicide juice.

                        So there will be another election sooner rather than later, and the only way the Libs can get enough money to fight an election is to do what they did this time,they will have to borrow it from a bank.

                        Before the banks would lend based on the $1.95 subsidy but they will see that if Harper does win again that subsidy will likly be gone so the risks would be to high for anyone to lend to the Libs,

                        So, no loans, no campaign, the Libs are already cooked. No matter what happens from here on in.


                          Election and vote buying spending has gotten way out of hand.If you really wanted to cut spending reduce spending limits for all except the neo-cons ,who find a way around limits, and let the chips fall where they may. Reduce spending or reduce tax credits for off election time ads by political parties.


                            How stupid are the Cons? Give the opposition a gun and tell them to commit suicide or kill th government. Easy choice. Now they want to form a coalition government. The Cons have received an early X-mas present. If they succeed Harper is toast.


                              A different Canada come Monday.


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