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Clean up Ottawa!

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    If he'd been doing such a terrible job he would have been kicked out a long time ago already. The fact is that he has broken all the records when it comes to running a minority. Historically speaking no one has done a better job of this than Harper.

    BTW- working together is a two way street, doing everything the way the opposition parties want is not working together, its capitulation.





      You can't be serious... this has been all about the LACK of stimulus spending on manufacturing... forestry...

      So what are the opps asking for?

      Piles of lumber/vehicles... to be stored alongside the already growing inventories of unneeded products $$$Billions of deficit monies wasted... FOR WHAT... another couple of months of...

      We need to change what we produce... to make sure we produce what the world NEEDS.

      Where anywhere in the economic statement... did Conservatives lack recognition of these principals?"


      We in Canada are in the best shape of the G8... and for good reason.

      Proper management.

      WHAT do the OPPs think they are trying to pull off... a COUP?

      WHAT else could you call it?

      Teaming up with the BLOCK... to overthrow the Legit gov... to break up Canada...


      Very few western Canadians will see it any other way.

      The separatists in western Canada can't believe their luck...

      IS that what you are MUSTARD... a closet SEPARATIST?


        Tom what I was trying to say is that there was a huge surplus when Harper first took power a couple of years ago.

        He then cut income and raised his expenses Big time ,doing this while the economy was in a growth mode.

        Now that we need stimulus, in a recessionary time they know they can't afford to do it cause the cupboard is bare.


          By the way I am not a separatist.

          And maybe the next time you have a conservative get- together you should try to elect a leader who is less divisive for a democratic country.

          Harper would be a Great leader in an undemocratic country


            Give Steve a big green army uniform, a green tam, a Mustache and sling a ak47 over his shoulder.
            The other mustached duo of Ritz and Anderson could be in charge of the Paramilitary. Making sure any opposition would quietly disappear.

            Mr Baird well I'm not sure he could grow a mustache so he might have to use a paste on. Mr. Baird could be the dictators strong man.
            Stockwell Day , well he could just go along for the ride...
            Sounds like a good movie heh Tom... lol


              Not instituting massive spending programs without any regard as to what Obama’s stimulus package will look like makes Harper a dictator? What if Obama abandons the big 3 completely in January and we’ve spent billions on them? It will be like putting a bandaid on a patient with a severed leg. Money wasted where it could have been spent to do some good later.

              Harper wants to remove the subsidy of political parties and that makes him a dictator? Forcing taxpayers to fund political parties based on what percentage of votes they received would favour governing parties. The Liberals instituted this when they thought they would remain the “natural governing party” forever. Harper is doing the right thing to remove it, even though it will cost his party the most at this time.

              If a political party attains power and does what it says it will do, then count on more than my $1.95 involuntary contribution, otherwise get your hands out of my pockets. I’m sick of politicians voting to give themselves a right to dip into the pork barrel and then telling us that they are entitled to their entitlements. Harper is right to get rid of this entitlement and I’m upset that he caved to the opposition threats of a coup.

              This coalition of 2 socialists and a traitor is a power grab designed to overturn the results of the election.
              Who are the real dictators?


                you seem to be unaware of Harpers stance when in Opposition and Chretien tried to end this political funding

                Harper was vehemently opposed to ending it but now that he's in power he's changed his tune



                  So... what is your point?

                  Conservatives have been doing what they were elected to do... and for that... you claim they are all Nazis?


                  You truly would pillage western Canada... like Layton/Dion has clearly indicated they will do...

                  AND this is your solution?

                  How much do you truly think either one of these rock stars care about agriculture in western Canada?

                  We know what the Bloc is after... hands down... your money... and nothing else... Mustard.


                    Gerry Nichols hits the nail on the head

                    "I was doing some research on the last federal election and found an interesting stat.

                    It seems the New Liberal Bloc Coalition won zero seats and zero percent of the popular vote in the last election.

                    But I guess in politics, zero seats plus zero votes equals a viable, legitimate government.

                    Who knew?"


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