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It happened in Sask once and they paid for it!

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    It happened in Sask once and they paid for it!

    Not that long ago in a place known as Sask-at-ch-ewan a little NDP man named Lorne Calvert found a way to defeat the big bad Conservative hidden agenda with the help of three liberal losers to form a govt. The liberals were promised pensions and cabinet posts along with cars secretaries and corner offices, for their support. Lorne became premier and torchered the great province for years. then as it always does comes the dreaded election that saw all the Little liberals humiliatingly defeated and a host of NDPs also gone. Now the big bad conservative has a major majority and all is good.
    Moral of the story Jack Layton and Ducep and the liberals will get their pay back, Ralphy we don't forget and you for one should know that. Good governing for a while.

    You forgot to mention how the tories retooled to avoid the stench of corruption. All governing parties meet their Waterloo eventually, Harper just might have speeded up the process. The Cons longknives are out already and should they fall there will be a leadership race with Peter the Mckay front and centre. Joe Clark was dumped after losing a vote of confidence through incompetence.


      i wouldn't be surprised if harper pulls this one out, at least for a while. he's a better political strategist than he is a prime minister but this was a big screwup. he's been crippled for as long as he's able to keep this term going.



        The economy just GREW in the 3rd quarter at 1.3%.

        The Economic statement was BANG ON. Parliament approved the speach from the Throne... last week

        This is a simple case of political treason...by the OPP's... to subvert democracy. To team upwith the Bloc... to pillage western Canada... STINKS.

        THis would be the most destabilising move politially... in the history of this country... If PM Harper let them get away with it!


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