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There goes our dual market for wheat/barley..

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    There goes our dual market for wheat/barley..

    Irregardless of how the CWB elections turn out, Ralph will appoint 5 socialist/seperatists to the CWB BOD and again nothing will change. So much for democracy! God, how I despise this whole system.

    I wonder les, if we approached the provincial governerment to set up a Saskatchewan Wheat Marketing Board designed like Ontario's. Should work.


      Another crazy idea us farmers are not used to doing would be to have rotating pickets for the ones that do not want the CWB monopoly. Like any other union we should be asked (carefull not to say forced) to walk the streets holding signs.
      Would be an attention grabber.


        Lesm and Parsley,
        So why did you vote for or otherwise support a socialist like Harper who supports supply mangement marketing boards protected by tarrifs on imports from the world market? This is the type of state intervention of which you continually criticize when it comes to the CWB. Obviously you must be socialists!


          Another twisted, petty, deluded statement from "chuck".

          How to show your true moral character.


            Cluck chuck, supply management only works in an controled environment, it does not and will never function efficiently in grain production in western Canada. Theory - CWB may work - reality it does not serve it's purpose. Just watch the PRO's as 09 roles on.


              OK Chuck....I'll stoop to the same level of stupidity. If you're in favour of supply management, why do you hate harper who as you so elequently put it, is in favor of supply management?


                It's obvious Chuck is a Conservative!


                  I didn't say anything about supply mangement working for western grain did I? I Just wanted to point out Harper will do anything to gain and keep power including supporting socialist state interventionist policies like supply management if it ensure votes in Quebec and Ontario.

                  Not to mention it was Harper who voted in favour of Quebec having nation status in the last parliament. Harper was trying to court the "devil" so to speak.

                  Further how can the Harperites call the proposed coalition a deal with the "devil" when Harper was presenting that option to the GG in 2004 when Martin's minority government was at risk?

                  Go ahead, call our fellow French Canadian citizens devils if you want, just don't count on them voting Conservative any time soon. Another glaring example of Harper's stupidity when it comes to electoral strategy.


                    The difference is that Harper never actually made a deal with separatists to replace Martin with a conservative- separatist coalition. Dion and company did.

                    Martin got beat fair and square, not through the back door.



                      The citizens of Quebec... that respect Canada... and voted to have nationalist representitives are just as jilted as are western Canadians.

                      I am not surprised you agree with this abomination against democracy and private property rights... it is obviously your intent to take everything you can steal... with or without my permission.

                      God save our Queen;

                      God save Canada.


                        Tom I can understand you're steamed. But Canadian politics is about compromise. Harper brought this on himself. Minorities require finesse. If Canadians had wanted Harper to have more power they would have given him a majority. Harper is a hyper partisan who takes no prisoners. Personalities like Harpers don't make good politicians in the long term. Your next leader should have wider appeal and come from a central Canadian background to avoid this east west split. The votes that count are in Ontario and Quebec. It is the reality if you want to form a majority.


                          Furrow ypou said;

                          "Cluck chuck, supply management only works in an controled environment, it does not and will never function efficiently in grain production in western Canada".

                          My question for you is do you think it is ok for Harper to deny me the right from starting up a dairy, egg and chicken farm in W. Canada outside of supply management, and allow me to freely market my product directly to local customers?


                            Chuck Chuck, Harper suports supply management where it makes sense, the CWB makes no 'cents' in supply management - thats the point here that you brought up. Care to defend the logic here? Think about what you said, read what I wrote.



                              If you buy quota... you can sell to anyone anywhere... even the man in the moon.

                              Supply management has a franchise... called a quota.

                              The CWB has a prohibited license... that stops trade. Nothing of value. A 'single desk' that has proven to depreciate our produce.

                              A HUGE difference... any way you choose to look at it!

                              One system gives a franchise... and respects private property rights contained in it...

                              The CWB depreciates our produce... and takes away our private property rights.


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