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Democracy vs. DION

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    Democracy vs. DION

    Dear Agriville members,


    THis link to question period... where PM Harper responds to DION... says volumes about what is going on!

    Just a continuation of Harpers bullying and fear mongering. He knows the people of Quebec are in no mood for separatism. The coalition has stated that all provinces will receive their fair share of help no more no less. The BQ have signed on to put separatism away until the coalition resigns. They would be committing political suicide to put separatism forward now.



      And I have some ocean front property in Alberta I can sell you!

      Here is what the Preamble of the coalition agreement states:

      A Policy Accord to Address the Present Economic Crisis


      The new Government is supported by parties that share a commitment to fiscal responsibility, a progressive agenda and a belief in the role of Government to act as a partner with Canadians and Quebecers. Where appropriate, these goals should be pursued in full partnership and consultation with the provincial and territorial governments."

      PLEASE NOTE: 'Canadians and Quebecers' are not the same.

      This is clearly a sell out to the BLOC separatists.

      This reminds me of the following story... whether it is true or not... matters not... it is the principal!

      This is why we call it "POLITICS"


      Judy Wallman, a professional genealogical researcher, discovered that Stephen Dion the leader of Canada's Liberal Party great-great uncle, Robert Dion, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Quebec in 1889. The only known photograph of Dion shows him standing on the gallows. On the back of the picture is this inscription:

      "Robert Dion; horse thief, sent to Quebec Provincial Prison 1883, escaped 1887, robbed the Canadian Pacific Railway six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted, and hanged in 1889.”

      Judy e-mailed Stephen Dion for comments. Dion's staff sent back the following biographical sketch:

      "Robert Dion was a famous horseman in Quebec. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government facility, finally taking leave in 1887 to resume his dealings with the railroad. Subsequently, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Dion passed away during an important civic function held in his honour, when the platform on which he was standing collapsed."

      Here is how the agreement with the Bloc coalition ends...

      "Working with our International Partners

      The new Government is committed to working with the international community, particularly with G-20 partners, in pursuit of an effective new global financial architecture.

      Confidence Votes
      The Government will not request a dissolution of Parliament during the term of this agreement, except following defeat on an explicitly-framed motion of non-confidence presented by the Opposition; or any vote pertaining to the speech from the throne; or on a budget vote at on any stage in the House; or on any bill to implement a budget at any stage in the House; or on any motion in the House to concur in, restore or reinstate any Estimates; or on any supply bill at any stage in the House.

      The Bloc Québécois will neither move nor will it support any motions of non-confidence in the Government during the term of its support for this agreement, and will vote in favour of the Government's position with respect to all matters referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph."


        Not one person in Canada voted for the coalition that has been formed in Ottawa... in fact the Parties... ND/Liberanos said they WOULD NOT make a coalition... just a few short weeks ago.

        Do the right thing... call a Liberal or NDP MP today... and let them know how they have ripped democracy from Canadians.



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