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    This coalition is built on a bed of quicksand and lies. The supposed council of "wise men" that was to advise the coalition on economic policy is now shown to have been a phony ploy. The vast majority of their policies are clearly being made up as they go along. So much for "stability".

    If this thing were to go ahead, it wouldn't last more than a few weeks, let along months. It would degenerate into a massive slugfest as soon as the Bloc's demands for unprecedented trainloads of loot hit even the most minor roadblock. And then what? An election is the most likely outcome, so why not have one right now so that the coalition partners can explain their plans to Canadians? It's all headed there shortly in any event.

    In the meantime, look forward to the Canadian financial markets continuing to tank. The past few days have seen a marked disconnect between the Canadian and American markets. This has everything to do with the instability brought on by the prospects of the coalition.


      Not quite liberty,nobody outside canada is talking about this,its not effecting our markets.

      I heard fran wants to spank brison for this!LOL



        Can you read?

        "You are entitled to your opinion. It is still a free country... to speak our minds" is what I said.

        Or are you going to sick the Human rights tribunal on me?



          Read the fine print... and listen again to the long list Duceppe chants during the news fest on Monday when they signed.

          "It would degenerate into a massive slugfest as soon as the Bloc's demands for unprecedented trainloads of loot"

          They aready agree to loot the treasury... recognise the Bloc as the rightful rulers of Quebec...which is why this could easily go the distance of 30 months.


            You bet I'll chill out.

            The moment this coup collapses I'll chill out.

            You lefty turds are showing your true colors here the only thing you guys give a crap about is your hatred for Harper.

            The economy, yeah right, your putting this country through an uneeded and unwanted crisis for no other reason than you hate one man.

            both harper and martin used the bloc to pass votes, but harper never crawled into bed with them. The bloc have signed on and they haven't even seen the coalitions budget. Gimme a break, you guys can spin all you want about Harper using bloc voted to pass bills, but don't compare a dinner date with a membership to Maddam Dominatrix's *****house.


              Aparently the Consevatives and former Canadian Alliance were nothing but a bunch of hypocritical traitors back in 2000 and 2004. They have relied on the Bloc many times to prop up their minority in the last 3 years as well.

              Watch or read the news from the Globe and Mail.

              Bloc part of secret coalition plot in 2000 with Canadian Alliance

              A document obtained by The Globe and Mail shows that the scheme would have propelled then Alliance leader Stockwell Day to power in the coalition. A lawyer who was described then as being close to Day, says he didn't discuss the matter with the MPs
              DANIEL LEBLANC
              Globe and Mail Update
              December 3, 2008 at 2:07 PM EST
              OTTAWA — The separatist Bloc Québécois was part of secret plotting in 2000 to join a formal coalition with the two parties that now make up Stephen Harper's government, according to documents obtained by The Globe and Mail. ........


                these three stooges don't have the moral ground to stand on, with regards to their attempt, to govern this great country. the Conservatives were only weeks ago elected as a minority government, and only two weeks ago the house voted confidence in the Conservatives by passing the Throne Speech! if the Separatist Coalition feels so strongly that they want to govern together, then they should hit the campaign trail and petition Canadians to support them as a threesome. the three of them can even fly across the country in one plane, saving money, fuel and greenhouse gases!!! can you imagine the three of them getting of the plane together, all waving their hands to the hoards of supporters!!! ya right! LMAO


                  Good Post...

                  Although I do not agree with what is happening, It is fully within the constitution for these parties to do what they are doing. I cannot believe it has come to this, it looks like there is no turning back. I can only hope that these 3 parties do not damage our economy beyond repair.. Harper as his last move as PM and leader of the Conservatives MUST fill the Vacant senate positions... If he does not you know who will.


                    Quicksand is a good analogy. What is the glue that's holding this thing together? A hatred of Harper and that's it.

                    Oh yeah, you can build a real stable government on the hatred of one man.



                      Well said! I couldn't have said it better myself. Actually I couldn't have said it as good.

                      The rhetoric on this site is getting to ridiculous levels


                        dmlfarmer, You sound a little like Craig Oliver tonight, wondering why the right didn't supply the left with an exit ramp.

                        The Trio of Traitors called the ballgame.

                        Hard being tied to the separatist bed, isn't it? And that is where the Canadian Public has pretty much gauged it. Pars



                          Perhaps you don't get out much... but the average working guy and gal are fed up to there with this.

                          Put land mines on the border... the comments are endless... usually ending in someone needing to be hung.

                          I don't see how the Liberanos and ND's think they are going to help pull this country together with this move.

                          I guess they don't care. Some will say the same about the Conservatives in Quebec... except there is a big difference.

                          It is this.

                          Some folks in Quebec are actually nationalists. They were/are the majority... by the way... and the Conservatives can clearly cater to these folks... who are not separatists.

                          The brand has been set. Dion and Layton have cast themselves into never land in Quebec...

                          They claim to be friends of the separatists... and can claim no logical reason why anyone should vote for them (Liberanos and ND) INSTEAD of the BLOC.

                          THis is a major miscalculation... and the Conservatives will capitalise on it!

                          So Chill out already... this is a Russian roulette game Dion is playing... with Iggy in front of the gun!

                          HOW STUPID!


                            Tom4cwb, You my friend, are losing your grip on reality, landmine, staring into the deep, deep void. Maybe you smelled to much ammonia, this Spring! What comes next, trash the CWB, cause it's no good, or so you say?


                              Like I said the rhetoric on this site is getting ridiculous


                                It funny how many people don't understand how how our Canadian Parliamentary system works. There is nothing immoral or illegal what is going on. It is not a coup

                                You elect a party to the house and they are ALLOWED to GOVERN IF THEY HAVE THE CONFIDENCE OF THE HOUSE and if not someone else governs.

                                In 2000 and 2004 Stockwell Day and Harper understood this when they tried to have a coalition with the Bloc and Ndp ( funny how they forget )

                                The cons are doing more to divide this country than the Bloc -by the way it is the Provincial Partis Quebecois that wants to separate not the Bloc -


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