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    I cannot believe the absolute hatred that has come out on this list. Can everyone please take a breath and think before posting.

    1. The action by the opposition parties is not illegal, treason, or an act of war. It is a action granted by our constitution, which has occured in Canada before, and a number of times in stable, European countries.

    2. I blame both sides for this the unfolding events. Harper must take some blame for breaking his own law on fixed election date and calling an election this past fall which no one but himself wanted and then provoking the opposition into taking the action they did after he failed to secure the majority he was seeking.

    3. The current course of events will end in a no win situation for all parties and for Canada itself.
    -The worst course of action would be for the Conservatives to get the GG to suspend parliment. After telling Canadians our economy is in trouble, to simply say no government is needed will further discredit the Conservative party.
    -The current Conservative strategy of bad mouthing the bloc and fear mongering will backfire. It will only ensure even fewer Quebecers will vote Conservative.
    -Hateful comments, and talk of western seperation by party faithful, (majority of people on this website)will drive a deeper wedge between Conservative faithful and everyone else. The view that the Conservatives are intolerant, racist, greedy, win at all cost rednecks will be reinforced. For every vote gained, two will be lost.

    4. IMHO there is a still a chance the non confidence vote next Monday would fail. The opposition have already achieved much of their goals to discredit government, maintain funding, and show they are a force which must be considered rather than ignored. However every day of Conservative attacks, the chance of the Conservatives remaining in power diminishes.

    5. If the Conservative party wants to remain on the house side of parliment the only sure way of achieving this is for Harper to resign and for an interm leader to immediately sit down with the Liberals to discuss differences and solutions. Afterall the Liberals and Conservatives are much closer in policy than the Liberals and NDs. And Harper has pushed too hard to ever be able to compromise. Which really is more important, Harper, or a Conservative government? It is time for Harper to go gracefully rather than the Conservatives to be thrown out.

    6. Finally, who ever is running the Conservative strategy room must be shown the door. Their repeated mistakes have become a comedy of errors.

    well said. this is not a crisis; it's merely a bunch of politicians out to destroy their own careers and hurt canada through their own stupidity, ego and greed.


      Nice try.

      The conservatives would never have sold their soul to the devil and the bloc to keep their leader at 24 sussex.

      This is about power, money, and a ridiculous hatred of the one party that was beginning to bring some respect back to Canada.

      The bloc are traitors, anyone who voted for the bloc are traitors, and now anyone who supports what has occurred as a good idea is a traitor.

      Nothing the conservatives could have done would have stopped this from going down. They were plotting this coup for a very long time - just ask Jack.

      This is not Harper's fault

      That is my opinion.


        I agree completely , this is a complete pissing match , nothing to do with treason separation or any of these hot buttons. All the politicians will bear the cross on this one. I would not be averse to all the present MPs being banned from ever holding public office. We need a clean slate.


          One possibility- Michaelle Jean could return today, demand Harper rework his budget and tell the coalition to back off and let Harper get on with running the country as he was elected to do. Think this will happen? We should take bets.


            Silver, and what cave have you been living. Harper needs to admit his share of responsibility before a healing process can take place. Be a man Mr. Harper.


              Cool heads must prevail.
              The Con,s must work with the majority of votes and the coaltion must include the con's.
              The name calling and back stabing in our gov't is sickening and must be stopped. If this was our children we would send them to thier rooms.


                Throwing Harper under the bus would do nothing to satisfy the power lust of the Three Stooges, if anything it would intensify it.

                I'm sorry but the 'Harper made them do it' line doesn't hold any water. Listen to Uncle Jack's conference call here


                And take a look at Andrew Coynes analysis here


                The Three Stooges figured out a way to do an end run around democracy and nuke parliament. Even if Anne of Green Gables was PM they would have pushed the button.

                The ones who need to chill out are the ones pushing for this unelected crazy separatist coalition to run the country.

                Governments should be elected by the people. That's it, period, end of story.

                If the people can't make up their minds then you keep having them until they do. Democracy has it's problems but the alternatives are far worse.


                  Good post dmlfarmer, I agree

                  Silverback,these separtists, as you call them, backed the conservatives 14 differnet times when they were in opposition.
                  You Are looking like a hypocritical red neck


                    I'll spank Mrs.Ambrose.


                      There's a difference between voting in favour or against the same bill and giving the separatists final say over everything.

                      Mustard your hatred of Harper has made you so blind you can't even see that self proclaimed separatists are separatists.



                        "I cannot believe the absolute hatred that has come out on this list."

                        You obviously don't understand the very structure of our nation is at stake here...

                        You must be a closet seperatist... it is easy to take the easy way out...

                        BUT this is NOT what our forefathers did... (be wimps like you tell us to be) who fought and died for Canada.

                        You are entitled to your opinion. It is still a free country... to speak our minds... until the coalition mind police get in power and inforce section 13 of through the Human Rights Tribunal ... that those (like Dion)who want to take power will use against us.

                        This is the it! Don't kid yourself!


                          The liberals did poor in the election because of the green shift program. Now we are forced to have green shaft.
                          The NDP were elected in their ridings to increase corporate taxes. They have now reversed that for the coalition. The block took a deal to become yes men for the liberals for the next 2.5 years, not what they were elected for.

                          There is a problem here weather it is legal or not.


                            Plus what ever sense is it to put a leader in that is getting kicked out and we don't even know who will be leader in May. The people of Canada do not want this crap. We didn't vote for all this back door deal making.


                              dmlfarmer I think you hit it right on the head. Tom once again you show your true colors , Tom is right and anyone who disagrees is wrong.


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