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Santa Claus

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    Santa Claus

    Mr Dion does believe in Santa.He made his appeal on TV telling the Canadian people the good guy he was the last while.It reminded me of a youngster getting his wish list together and that He will be good and deserves a reward?????? HOPE SANTA DOES NOT RECEIVE HIS REQUEST.

    He believes he is Santa, he named pretty much every Canadian to get some of that 30 billion.


      What they should do is send every canadian 1000 bucks. Man, woman or child. Then they would go spend it and voi-lah the economic crisis is fixed. Dion does believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, the easter bunny because he is not living in the real world. They are going to spit him out like dog food.


        The funniest part about last night was when Duccepe asked him what happened, ie video late, grainy, head shot and all Dion had to say was "we are not used to being in opposition". What has that got to due with being late and unorganized? And they have been in oppositoin for 2 years. How long would it take to "get used to" running the government-never. Then one of his main staff says there is going to be an investigation. Ha, look in the mirror buddy. These people can not run the country.



          And did you see the focus?

          It was clearly set up on the background... not Dion.

          AND he actually sent that tape out.


          Shows exactly why each and every Canadian should phone every MP that is not a separatist... especially if they have an ND or Liberano MP.

          THIS IS NOT A JOKE.



            No gifts from Santa to Dion this christmass!


              Mr Dions request for a xmas present denied. Must be a downer (ha ha)for the Mans expectations! The three wise men may take their gifts of sencelessness and look to the skies for a guiding lite to appear. Hope a normal and relaxed Christmas is ahead for all of us.


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