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Tories 46%, LPC 23%,NDP 13%

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    Conservatives shouldn't be so quick as to count the next election a shoe in, for one the people in the east they are not so mad about the coalition they are mad that Dion is the leader that's going to be changed possibly sooner than the leadership convention. Here's a scenerio Goodale takes over as interim leader, harper calls election, Goodale is PM. The east is not looking at things the way we are out here.

    And even out here this government has done nothing for agriculture in terms of policy development. They are way to extreme reform off to the right and it is obvious in the fact of their total "make it on your own" approach. Farmers in general don't want a free ride but they do want something effective in disaster situations and extreme cost or price situations that we are currently in. As example the northern Manitoba farmers that experienced severe flooding and lost crop, have no feed for livestock etc. There was supposed to be a disaster program in place promised by the conservatives, where the hell is it? And our ag minister stated he was baffled why the cais (agri-instability) was not kicking in for those farmers. Well gollee gee GOMER when you were in opposition you and all the other conservatives stated that cais wasn't working, when you had several years of poor margins to base your coverage levels at, maybe our minister should reread some of his own press releases when he was in opposition. They know dam well that program won't work but they don't want it to because as I said they could care less about individual farms cause to them someone else will do it. Well someone else will build cars also!!!!! If it wasn't for the CWB issue conservatives would be wiped clean off the map if the Liberals had any kind of leader that could speak decent english and show the slightest bit of respect for the West. As far as agriculture they are a one issue party.


      skhadenuf, you hit the nail on the head, the cons talk pretty good in opposition but when in power the only thing they do is stir the pot on the cwb issue to make it LOOK like they are doing something in Agriculture.

      Will they look at railroad performance ? No they are their friends..
      Will they look at price fixing on inputs? No its the free market and we must not disturb it.

      All the bse money that mostly went to the packing companies. Who voted against looking at their books ? the cons.

      The railcar coalition that gave farmers the right to buy and control hopper cars. Who voted against it ? the cons


        Oh ya I forgot the Cais program all they did was change the name to Agristability.

        And how about the evil gun control laws , they sure have changed that NOT


          Oh ya I forgot the Cais program all they did was change the name to Agristability.

          And how about the evil gun control laws , they sure have changed that NOT


            Sorry about repeating myself and taking up so much thread space- you'll be starting to call me Parsley lol.


              Mustard... you are almost as good at remembering as DION.

              What happened to the Hopper cars? We kept them... as it should have been. Goodale was the goofis that wanted to sell them.
              The Conservative government made the railways roll back the rates... as you should recall... the courts just ruled AGAINST CN & CP... on the maintance issue... and that reduced our rates this year.


                skhadenuf and mustard, guess what's playing just for you tonight?


                  Tom do you think this ruling against CP and CN would have taken place if it werent't for the CWB keeping tabs on them ?


                    Tell us what the conservatives have done for agriculture franny, I didn't know you were a musician must really wear out your palms!!!!


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