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Farmers favour single desk!

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    Farmers favour single desk!

    Democracy has prevailed in the CWB Directors election. Farmers have again clearly shown they support single desk selling and have rejected any moves by Harper to destroy the CWB. So much for the Conservatives assertion they represent the wishes of the majority of western farmers on this issue. Harper's judgement and credibility on this and many other issues is in serious question.


    Just like in every other Director's election the CWB holds... since 1998... same rules... same result.

    Proof... once again... Goodale's revenge is alive and well... being the largest single expense... on our farm... in 2008... AGAIN. 15 years straight.


      district 2 wants out so **** off


        Since when did offensive language become acceptable on this forum?


          when the system is set up so that 36% of the production controls 87% of the vote. Why are we surprised at the outcome. Unless we get a voting system where the majority of the vote has to represent 50% of the production, we will just spin our wheels.


            What it says is that farmers west of the sask border don't want to have a gun held to their head (or their hand held) telling them how to market their own grain.


              So much for "democracy" when the majority vote to take away the freedom of the minority.


                And I see no reason why District # 2 cannot secede as did creston-Wyndell.

                No fuss. No expense. No brainer.

                I finally got on th site!


                  Parsley you sound like one of those "evil separatists" that you and your like rant sbout...


                    So are you also proposing the vote for your local RM or County rep. be based on the number of acres you farm? I would like to see you bring that up at your next local meeting! And once you win that little cherry, why don't you just go on and propose that in the next federal election that voting power be based on the amount of your income. Because that is in effect what you are proposing when you bring up weighted voting for the CWB.


                      In our county the higher payers do get better deals-eg. better tax rates for big bisiness moving in, better roads to and from colonies. Let's face it, a bigger stick does talk!
                      The CWB FORCES us to market through them ( at gunpoint at the borders). Sounds more like what I heard about Russia as a kid growing up.


                        Oh just freakin wonderful we get to keep going over the same gawd awful ground we've been going over since 1996. (The western grain marketing panel)

                        We've burned out more freaking tires than Big Daddy Don Garlits, and we havn't moved an inch.

                        Chuckchuck and his crew still deny that a substantial portion of western canada's farmers want the monopoly gone, and that volume doesn't matter a wit.

                        News for you chuck, Volume is what the grain business is about, always has and always will be.

                        The cwb policies and direction will not change (ooh shocking revelation here)they will continue to develop and promote policies that appeal to the low volume producer and drive away the high volume ones. This will result in lower and lower volumes of wheat and barley marketed. (in their minds this is somehow good, not clear how but they seem to think so)

                        On the flip side our side is still stuck ranting to ourselves that this is unfair, woe is me. Since when has life ever been fair?

                        Get over it. There is a way to change this and it isn't through director elections. Focus on that. That ship has sailed.


                          So chucksquared, you think it should be one person one vote? How do you think that concept would go down when shareholder votes are held? You own 99% of the outstanding shares of a company, and the guy with 1% has the same weight as you with one vote each? Feel good?

                          The CWB likes to view and talk about itself as a corporation, not a government. It says it is a commercial entity. It even calls farmers its shareholders - or used to. Yet when it comes to voting for marketing choice or for its Board of Directors (truly a corporate governance system - its not a parliament or a legislature or a municipal council- its a BOARD OF DIRECTORS) you want the vote to be like its a government.

                          Which is it? Fish or fowl?


                            oh i so agree with you Kodiak!


                              I got exiled from this site, for using the words chicken excreta. RON must work for the detractors cause he can swear like a true conservative, "f off" and not face the wrath of this anti CWB site, here on Angriville. Whats with the double standard. The missinformation highway is becoming just about totally useless


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