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District #2

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    District #2

    Ron was right in the last thread.

    Where do we start? This is enough already.

    If those eastern "gentlemen" cannot figure out how much they have lost over the last 2 years there is no hope for them.

    I won't hold my breath for any provincial help, but we need to start somewhere.

    You lost. Get over it.


      It seems now the trendy thing to do when you lose an election is to align with all the other losers and form a coalition and then let the separatists decide our future. The will of the people doesn't seem to matter to our federal politicians - the losers in the last federal election at least.

      So may I suggest a coalition with a french veto as we have clearly lost faith and confidence in the winners.

      "Already you say?"

      Of course, this is Canada.


        Bite it.

        This is about our families grain and our right to control it.

        You do what you want.


          I find it ironic that after some pro choice people are elected, they change to supporters. But we have never seen supporers turn to pro chioce after seeing the inside story.
          Also you hear elected members publicly supporting the board but you never here appointed publicly discrediting the same.
          I'm only saying what I see.


            I still see a lot of farmers that do not want the monopoly. That are forced to sell through the board.


              13% at last vote


                stubble pumper
                correction... any way you slice it ... 62% wanted change....and climbing.


                  hiwayman it seems that none of you conservatives know how to run a calculator (not just steve and flaherty)


                    Perhaps what is amazing to me is how well the CWB director election results line up
                    with the 2008 CWB survey.

                    Jeff Nielson (district 2 totally Alberta) got 63 % of the vote. The CWB producer survey
                    from this past spring showed 57 % of Alberta favor an open market for wheat (slide
                    20) when asked the solely CWB/open market question.

                    The mainly Saskatchewan director elections (know some of district 4 is in Alberta)
                    broke out about 60 to 63 % single desk candidates. The CWB survey showed 65 %
                    supported single desk.

                    District 10 Bill Toews took on the first round with 54 % of the vote. Manitoba showed
                    52 % support for single desk in the survey when asked the black and white question.

                    I see the bogus 12 % reference to open market support. The solely CWB/open market
                    question showed 57 % single desk and 39 % open market (4% didn't respond).

                    see slide 20.



                      The director election tabulation of results can be found at:



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