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    Aggie, Aggie, Aggie.

    Watched you and your new directors at your kitchen table looking like fools.

    Anyone notice these guys are a just about pension age???

    Wilagro made the comment in a different thread about Larry being a sore loser and to just accept last weeks votes.

    Hey Willy remember the 62% of us that voted for barley freedom??

    All these old foggies need to give it up!! When we do have a vote they can't even understand the questions!!

    Ian, you and your little piece on CTV made a real good statement of how old this dinosaur CWB is!!

    Thank god not if, but when Stevo and the boys get their majority, this thing will be dead.

    And the only thing Ian will be sitting at his kitchen table pondering is how to get the diesel smell out of his kitchen, because someone left the front door open to long!!! I mean shop door.

    What's the matter someone steal your suckee, that you have to pick on seniors? You might review the average age of Grain Farmers, its a serious problem.


      yes the age of CWB voters is the problem. Most of these older folks don't have the vision or are thinking well i'll just let the CWB market my grain,because I'm in a warmer climate for the winter and I just care about myself....


        No disrespect to seniors. I'm just about there myself. Obviously if they are involved they are entitled to their opinion.

        But I guess that's the point. There are a lot of retired farmers who see it as their personal responsibility to ensure the future of the single desk.
        I know a few of them. Somehow it just doesn't seem right to me that the future of our industry is determined by retired farmers.
        The answer, it seems to me is a dual market. Let the retired farmers sell their share to the board along with the "majority" of farmers who support the monopoly. Let the small minority that don't support the monopoly get beat up by the Cargills, Viterras of the world.


          Here is my beef. When the cwb comes out with a pro in february that says that there will be money in growing durum and by the time you harvest it - its worth 3 bucks less with a 60% acceptance - its not good forecasting.

          And no the fpc or any other marketing option the cwb says is available won't help on pricing durum.

          On the old fool thing the problem is they never stand up, put there hand up and say they are the ones responsible for the mess we are in or that they slowed progress. They will blame it on someone else.

          Now you see why old people and the cwb are one in the same - they lack accountablility for their actions.


            Those old fools, moved onto the land, way back when, cleared the trees off, broke the land, picked the roots and rocks. All the while, they were working towards building a nation. Then when 2 or 3 wars came alone, the same old fools, volunteered for service, beat back the bad guys, took the hits, then came back to the farm. Again they took up the back breaking challenge and continued nation building. All the while raising families and wiping snotty noses of kids, who ultimately left the farm in droves, cause of all the had work. Years later the snot noses returned to take over, cause the old folks were going to sell out to the neighbours. Then the whinning and snivelling began, Ag loans became common and Angibusiness got involved. Can't make money, here's the way to do it, use more fertilizer, more spray, git a bigger outfit, work harder, spend more. Still can't make money, take a government course, git the tools you need, buy crop insurance. Whine and snivel louder git the ear of government. Angribusiness to the rescue, give us subsidies, make us like the US. Yup, those old fools, are the ones, we should blame, for making us, into the tools/fools we've become. Right on snippy, right on. God save the mighty CWB, and lets perogie the Canadian government. Who doesn't like perogies? A huge step forward, for the Comedian government, we all know and love, let's now all look into our navel and pick out the fuzz that has accumulated there, use it to weave a truly organic blanket for Xmas!


              The problem no respect for their elders. No idea what tough times are like. Can't happen again. Get rid of all the organizations , I can do better on my own. Losing money , not my fault big bad CWB to blame can't be anything else. Pretty much somes up some of the philosophy here.


                Aggie, willy, burbot et all, the CWB 'theory' had it's place 20-30 years ago - it has no relavince today at all!
                If you broke down what crops make real money, year after year CWB grains are at the bottom of the pile every time. This is why we need change, or start making us "younger farmers" see their is money to be made in wheat and barley through the CWB system. This is why most younger farmers dislike the system and avoid it whenever they can.


                  Nope I don't disrespect my elders. Just can't handle incompetence.

                  Aggie and Burbert, have to lead the way in that catergory.

                  I aslo laugh at the fact that you say Burbert that our grandfathers etc, broke the land. You bet your ass they did, and they knew at any time the gig could be up at any moment. They had no idea if they would make it or not.

                  So if that makes you proud you two clowns to sit on your ass and just keep going what your fathers, and grandfathers worked for.........fill your boots.

                  My granfather would be proud to see me trying to grow my farm this day in age whether it be with a 6ft breaking disk, or 2 70ft drills,trying to get ahead just like he did, not knowing whether it'll work also.

                  But if you feel proud because your keeping the same section of land going that your granfather broke, and you've done nothing but take over his hard work.......Not sure I'd be boasting about that.


                    I think old fools is harsh... I agree there are several older farmers out there simply resistant to change... I think its more about them not wanting to learn how to market themselves vs what kind of job the CWB is doing for them. My guess is that more than 50% of the poeple who voted for the Monopoly Candidate in the recent elections, could not tell you what they actually got paid for their wheat the past 2 years... All they know is they haul their grain and the check comes in the mail. It's easy and they are to busy and tired to do anything different. I have a few older clients that will probably scorn me for these comments if they ever read them... but they know i'm right.


                      Agstar you said,

                      "The problem no respect for their elders. No idea what tough times are like. Can't happen again. Get rid of all the organizations , I can do better on my own. Losing money , not my fault big bad CWB to blame can't be anything else. Pretty much somes up some of the philosophy here. "

                      Agstar you need to think partner in business, The only tough times I remember is when the CWB returned us 4 dollars per bushel or less for our number one wheat. We are not alone when we have an open market. And dealing directly with a Chinese malt company would give me great satisfaction. They will do all the logistics for you all you have to do is get the dam container loaded, sure there is some risk, but also premiums, what does not have some risk.


                        I don't think retired farmers should be deciding the future of this industry. Its not right


                          Snappy-you hit the nail on the head, I am impressed.


                            I would like to inform you that not all old guys are clueless. My father age 89 says he thinks there will be a revolution to get rid of the albatross (CWB)and my father-in-law, who fought as a bomber pilot during World War II, is horrified to think that the CWB has been allowed to get away with their closed books this long. As for MNP, I think we need a real auditor to count the ballot distribution and return in all elections, not only CWB.


                              I find it amazing that you people think all cwb supporters are small farmers and that their all old or have their land rented out.Well Iv'e got news for you.We're not!


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