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Agrium and the Others can kiss my ASS!

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    You simply don't get it hoppsing. You never will.

    This is not about being LEGISLATED power to woen a plant.Get that? Not about snivelling employees demanding a right to a job with the people who pay having no say.

    This is about co-operation. This is about putting farmers own money on the line. This is about taking chances, This is not about asking the taxpayer to bail out the farmer with a cotntingency fund gone bust.

    You will never understnad the differece. So staff it. Pars


      Neither do you.


        There is an Automobile Association. And a Millers' Association Abd a Barley Growers' Association.

        None of them are governed by their own act of parliament! What can you not understand about this agstar?

        If the miller exports his flour he doens't get put in jail. What don't u understand about the concept agstar? Pars


          Start running a multi million dollar business and over the long run you will quickly understand that you have to make hay when the sun shines. In other words, in times you can take profit you take profit becuase other times your margins are negative. Farming is the same. Who wants to have investment in a business that does not make money. I do not, even though 3 out of 10 years it makes sense to have that investment.


            "chart and collect bills"-cute,love to here that story.


              If we got 56000 Farmers together (Talk to the CWB they know where there is 56000 Farmers...) and everyone put in $100000 we could just buy Agrium!


                If the cwb got more innovative they would already be on top of this input thing.

                Like I have said many times if farmers are forced to pool their income maybe its time they pool their expenses. hen I could maybe start to see the benefit.


                  Furthur since the last part of my 07 crop is just being sent out and the cwb has kept lets say 50000 from my operation with no interest or return on it - they might as well buy a fertilizer plant with it.

                  The only problem before I would allow them to do it - they would need a complete new management scheme. And since the cwb doesn't want to change it won't happen. Too bad, someone thought of an idea that might help farmers and we already know the result. Farmer controlled.


                    I agree bucket! Since it looks like we could be forced to operate under the socialist regime of the CWB for many years to come. We may as well go hog wild and let them do everything. We will just operate the equipment. Just think how stress free that would be, we wouldn't even have to pay to income tax. (interpret that how ever you like)


                      Dave440 you just don't get it.
                      If farmers and I mean farmers take matters into their own hands we win.
                      Its simple these guys have always made money one way (no not extortion) keep us divided and they can charge what ever. Its worked since time began, that's why we can never ever get ahead. They want us in debt so we have to go hat in hand to them for our supplies, they really need us though.
                      If we form a cooperative, ( I hate that word but we will use it) CASH CASH CASH vs borrowed money deals with prov and fed govt etc. look at a new way of doing things. Ship fert back in from coast. We all have Semis, pick product up at central locations. If need blend do at smaller farmer run areas.
                      IF the system is broken find a way to change it that's what farmers do. and the Fert system is broken, They created this price increase for personal gain on a whim that prices would continue to go up. they Were the pigs at the trough now they made the huge dollars and sucked in all their dealer network to purchase the crap at over priced prices. Now when we aren't their to purchase their not their for their dealers either. Simply their cutting their own dealers throats and wont help them.
                      So lets go for the jugular on them. Where is the old rule the consumer is always right, not to these pigs.


                        We could go for the South American model where the input suppliers and Grain Cos. supply 40 % of the operating funds for the farmers. Then who are you beholding to? That is what you are asking for? Wouldn't you like Agrium holding on to your wallet? Farmers had their chance to have some say in the Fertilizer industry when the Pools owned Western Co-op Fertilizers. Well we screwed that up for short term gain, now we are paying the price. Now you want to put Humpty Dumpty back together. Well it won't happen. They will use the same method as the CWB debate , devide and conquer. The Smart operators, will wait till you lower prices by bringing in your own fertilizer. Then they will make deals with Agrium at a lower price , have the competitive advantage and put you out of business. That is how the open market functions like it or not . You can't have an open market for grain and then say you don't want the open market to function in Fertilizer. The truth sucks doesn't it S3?


                          Nothing wrong with pooling.

                          What you miss agstar,again, is that the people panting heavily in SWP, were pushing political fervor. Not businesss. It was a philosophy to them.

                          That's why it died. They were more interested in socialism than in doing business. NO one, and I mean no one sane, would have gone on the spending spree that SWP went on, unless it was spermed by ideological fervor. Pars


                            SWP had a rogue CEO. He went all out to become the biggest without any thought to risk. I really don't see the socialist angle you are looking at. This has happened with numerous organizations. Ever heard of ENRON? Farmers lost control of the Pools and were sweet talked into believing they had to be huge to compete with the ADM's and Cargills. So they took on huge debt and lost sight of servicing their primary customer. Pretty much what is happening to some of the large companies that swallowed smaller companies with huge debt, TCK comes to mind. Maybe you should look at some of the former farmer directors of UGG and the pools and ask them why they sold out. I notice that some have been running in CWB elections, interesting.


                              My, my, my, I didn't realize that a rogue CEO could prop up directors on top of a padded chair and say, "Speak. boy, speak". "Good boy, good boy"

                              And is it Larry Hill and Ken Ritter that co-designed and c0-taught this CEO class to his single-desk directors?


                                "huge debt and lost sight of serving"


                                Now who does that remind you? Pars

                                ps think contingency fund.
                                think admin fund.


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