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Canceled 3000 plus acres of Canola seed this Morning.

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    Canceled 3000 plus acres of Canola seed this Morning.

    I just phoned our supplier, to either drop the price of the seed or I walk. Well he said their set by the companies and he has no wiggle room. Well he has 17,500 lbs of wiggle room now.
    Any one else, this disaster in grain prices and these guys don't get it.

    That is 3500 acres plus of Canola!
    The price of Canola just does not say plant canola these days. If the price does not improve I believe there will be a record breaking carry over this year to erode prices into next year. I am considering holding 20,000 bushels if prices do not improve.


      The price of canola seed is usually set the year prior, because they have to negotiate a price for the seed growers. I know last spring, a couple of growers said that this year they were getting the most that they ever had, but that was because the seed companies had to compeet with the commodity prices at the time of the contracts. Most companies have some good savings if you book early or pay early don't they?


        Yes but those savings are off price that's close to 7.00 lb (it was 5 to 6 last year) Canola is sold by the LB. then with discounts it drops but big deal. Yes hopper you do the math well, its over 3500 acres, to get a new hired man we have to take on some extra acres next year. Still might only seed half our acres or even just do custom side and save half our this years crop till 2010.


          $9 Canola does not pencil for you?? How does $5 wheat look?


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