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Factors to Follow/Strategies

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    Factors to Follow/Strategies

    What is everyone following the last days of 2008?

    My interest is in the overall economy and impact agriculture. Loonie appears to be moving higher relative the US greenback. Interest rates? Crude oil/bio fuels?

    Also note the Informa Economics 2009 acreage forecast that highlight way less US corn and more beans. This will likely self correct but will have an implication for fertilizer (i.e. nitrogen prices).

    Note all the comments about input costs and commodity prices in the links. Hopefully all have a good spread sheet that is inputing all the cost side and comparing to current pricing opportunities based on average yields. No idea what the future holds but I do like the idea of locking in profit when available in a very uncertain world looking ahead.

    Some solid bottoming signals.

    Usdx falling,oil rising,gold rising.Us bond market still acting like a drunk indian outside a seven eleven begging for change.


      Ummm get to the mall early, don't go even near Costco and don't stick your tongue on the metal corral gates ( you know who you are)
      OH and carry some emergency mistletoe in you pocket just in case.


        That's your pocket , and don't drink too much "special" eggnog.


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